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The Pastores -  A Supplement for Cthulhu Dark AgesClick to magnify
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The Pastores - A Supplement for Cthulhu Dark Ages

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The Pastores. A Malevolent Cult for Cthulhu Dark Ages  

In the cities and countryside of West Frankia a sinister evil flourishes.  Secret worshipers of Shub-Niggurath infiltrate the aristocracy and the Church. On their lands and in their fastnesses they transform flesh and breed beasts neither human nor animal.

This supplement describes the Pastores, their  beliefs, thier leaders, their territories, their allies, and their monsters, and includes four scenarios to inflict the Pastores upon investigators.

Expanded and revised for 7th edition Call of Cthulhu.

Content warning
Contains body horror, violence, harm to children, and scenes of torture.  Discuss with your players limits, boundaries, and consent  before play.

Reviews (1)
Discussions (7)
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Michael D Carey C July 11, 2024 11:38 pm UTC
The setting - southern France with well established fiefdoms and deeply entrenched clerical orders - makes for a great moody setting. But Thomas, have you any thoughts on how it could be adapted for the Anglo-Saxon world of the third edition?

Theres no reason of course characters from England can’t travel south but curious how it could play out in Mercia
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Michael D Carey C July 11, 2024 11:38 pm UTC
The setting - southern France with well established fiefdoms and deeply entrenched clerical orders - makes for a great moody setting. But Thomas, have you any thoughts on how it could be adapted for the Anglo-Saxon world of the third edition?

Theres no reason of course characters from England can’t travel south but curious how it could play out in Mercia
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Matthew A March 17, 2024 6:16 am UTC
Comments and questions for the author:

I received the printed supplement today in the mail and I've been reading it over. The back cover states there are four scenarios in the book but I counted five scenarios (you may want to fix the back cover text).

Also, I initially thought the setting for this mini-campaign was the 12th century but a skim through the 'Background' section at the beginning seems to indicate a 10th century setting. Please clarify this detail.
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Matthew A November 18, 2023 9:30 pm UTC
Hello, Thomas. I'm planning on running a Cthulhu Dark Ages campaign starting early next year (2024) and I'm interested in this supplement.

In the next months, do you plan on providing a printed soft cover version of The Pastores, in addition to the PDF version available now?

Thank you
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Thomas D November 25, 2023 12:48 am UTC
Yes. It should be available in a month or so.
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Matthew A November 25, 2023 6:46 am UTC
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Michael D Carey C September 12, 2023 2:16 am UTC
I have the original and thought it superb.

Has this expanded or been revised enough to buy again?
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Thomas D September 15, 2023 12:47 am UTC
The text is largely the same. I added some additional investigator patron organizations, updated it to 7th ed, and made some other minor changes needed to comply with copyright restriction on some of the Mythos materials. The main differences however are aesthetic, as this version is in color and incorporates some Medieval art.
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Michael D Carey C October 22, 2023 11:16 pm UTC
I will pick it up then: its a stunning source book and campaign
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Thomas D July 02, 2023 10:35 pm UTC
There was a problem with my initial attempt to upload the files. Please try again now?
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Justin S July 02, 2023 10:50 pm UTC
There it is! Thanks so much!
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Justin S July 02, 2023 9:44 pm UTC
I bought this but there's no file to download?
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File Last Updated:
December 14, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on July 01, 2023.