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Danger Gal Dossier


They’re more than just cat ears and cute pink guns.

In the Dark Future, data is power, and no one owns more data than Danger Gal, Night City’s premiere investigation and security NeoCorp. Run by Michiko Sanderson (née Araska – yes, that Arasaka!), Danger Gal’s archives contain information on everything and everyone worth knowing.


And lucky you, choomba, we’ve prepared a copy of those archives for download straight into your Cyberpunk RED game. Inside Danger Gal Dossier you’ll find information on Mooks, Lieutenants, Mini-Bosses, and Bosses – of both the standard and hardened varieties. You’ll learn about the factions of Night City, from Edgerunning Crews and Nomad Packs to Boostergangers and elite Trauma Team squads.


And when the plethora of NPCs we’re giving you in Danger Gal Dossier isn’t enough, you’ll find the guidelines you need to bring your own Night City denizens to life.

Danger Gal Dossier includes…

  • Lore and details on fifteen of Night City’s factions, including the NCPD, Maelstrom, Tyger Claws, Trauma Team, 6th Street, and the Bozos.
  • Stats and biographies on over 100 NPCs, ranging from newly inducted gang members to powerful cyberpsychos ready to rip up The Street.
  • Guidelines for creating your own NPCs, of any power level, from Mook to Hardened Boss.
  • A new mission set in Night City featuring the one-and-only Danger Gal and a mysterious second faction. Want to know more? Play to find out!


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Searchable, filter-fitted gear listings to get you cybered up and feeling like a real netrunner!
Rules, streetslang, and more logged directly into your neuroport for convenience–whether you're a new or experienced Edgerunner!

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Customer avatar
James W January 23, 2024 9:47 pm UTC
Getting this PDF-only (when I have all the other stuff in hard copy) for the written lore and world-building, but the art in this thing absolutely stinks. Would rather see AI-generated stuff than the embarrassing 80s rubber-action-figure stuff in here. What the heck.
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jerry W August 09, 2023 11:17 am UTC
Are we getting a physical release for this in the future here? I can't purchase from R. Talsorian for some reason.
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Jason L August 20, 2023 11:26 am UTC
No POD, it should be in stores now.
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Ian M August 04, 2023 2:01 pm UTC
The description of Jester on p.18 mentions a helium fire. Should that be hydrogen? I thought helium is an inert noble gas that is not only non-flammable but can also act as a fire retardant?
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Robb S August 06, 2023 1:42 am UTC
You are correct. Helium is inert.
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Scott G August 06, 2023 1:44 pm UTC
Yeah, that's chemically true... You see, a lot of helium gets mixed with cheaper hydrogen even today in the real world. If I were to buy a "helium balloon," there's a good chance that half or even all of it is hydrogen. When I blow myself up, the reporter will still call it a helium explosion.
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Christopher R August 09, 2023 7:03 pm UTC
According to R.Talsorian, "Most helium in Cyberpunk isn’t actually helium. Just like most cheese probably isn’t made of cheese."
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File Last Updated:
July 26, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on August 03, 2023.