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Deep Magic for 5th Edition


This version (2016) has been updated to a new version (2023)


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Daniel R July 11, 2023 9:19 am UTC
Hey there!
Just took another look at Bloom for reasons, and was wondering if it was possible to add some options to the ones available?

Fruit bushes, not just trees, for things like raspberries, brambles, goosegogs, etcetera.

Fields or paddies of grains: barley, wheat, rice, etcetera.

Other plants: Flax and Nettles for fibres, various herbs for things such as teas and tisanes.
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Zak H February 09, 2024 8:35 am UTC
Sorry, I saw an "!" symbol in the corner of the post and clicked on it to see if it was something important. It turned red... I really hope I didn't accidentally flag it or something. That wasn't my intent, just wanted to see what it was. I tried to un-click it, but it stayed red. Sorry about that - Admins, don't flag the post please.
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Daniel R September 24, 2022 10:24 am UTC
Looking at Elven Ritual Magic, this differs from the previous PDF in that there is no subclass in there for it unlike your other PDF.
It does mention, however, that a Ritual Focus is a state of mind, and it comes back on a Short/Long rest.

Does this mean that the subclass isn't required to empower these spells, that anyone who can cast them can empower them once per rest?
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Sean H September 21, 2022 9:19 pm UTC
Which Deep Magic books does this contain?
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Wolfgang B September 22, 2022 11:00 pm UTC
I think you are asking about the PDF series that preceded this volume (let me know if that's not the intent).

This version includes hundreds of spells that were not in the PDF series, and also these styles of magic:

Deep Magic: Dragon Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Elven High Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Ring Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Shadow Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Battle Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Chaos Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Angelic Wards PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Ley Lines PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Void Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Illumination Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Rune Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Clockwork PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Blood & Doom PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Time Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Hieroglyph Magic PDF (5th Edition)
Deep Magic: Mythos Magic PDF (5th Edition)...See more
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Sean H September 22, 2022 11:03 pm UTC
Thanks so much!
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Thomas W July 09, 2021 7:06 am UTC
Any chance of getting POD or second print run? It looks like it's out of stock on the Kobold Press store?
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Wolfgang B July 09, 2021 4:16 pm UTC
Great question! This is currently available at the Kobold Press store in the Pocket Edition, and the hardcover will be available by July 16.
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Terry T May 01, 2021 6:29 am UTC
Any chance this book has a list of spells available to the Artificer class in Tasha's?
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Wolfgang B May 02, 2021 2:57 pm UTC
The artificer is closed content and not available as part of the Open Gaming License. However, the Clockwork school of magic predates the artificer and uses similar themes; there's a list of Clockwork spells in the appendix that would make a decent start for the artificer spell list.

Another option would be to check with the "Kobold Press & Midgard" fan group on Facebook. They've got some useful tools along these lines.
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Matthew S February 27, 2021 9:08 pm UTC
Does this book include content from the other Deep Magic books such as Time Magic, Dragon Magic, etc.?
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Wolfgang B March 04, 2021 9:57 pm UTC
Yes, it includes them, plus a lot of new content (a few hundred additional spells and new subclasses, familiars, etc).
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Gabriel A January 10, 2021 2:31 pm UTC
This is an PDF?
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Wolfgang B January 12, 2021 12:26 am UTC
Yes, this is a massive PDF and it is also available as a hardcover book (over on the Kobold Press Store, or at your favorite local game store).
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Eric C M September 27, 2020 12:30 am UTC
Uh print on demand?
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Wolfgang B September 27, 2020 5:07 pm UTC
Available now with a sewn, high-strength binding from a traditional print run, at the Kobold Press Store and better local gaming stores everywhere!
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Steve N September 14, 2020 3:31 pm UTC
So, this material is over and above the common magic contained in the Player's Handbook?
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Wolfgang B September 14, 2020 4:42 pm UTC
Yes, this is 700+ new spells, none of them found in the Player's Handbook.
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Thomas W August 26, 2020 1:30 pm UTC
Stupid question, how much of the material is tied specifically to the Midgard setting? Also, could the spells be used without new subsystems? That is to say, are most of the spells tied specifically to certain subclasses?
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Wolfgang B August 26, 2020 5:22 pm UTC
Not a stupid question at all! Exactly none of the spells or subclasses are specific to the Midgard setting; this is a book for any fantasy setting.

The vast majority of the spells are tied to the core classes. There's a handful that are meant for particular subsystem but it's a vanishingly small number (this is mostly the rune spells and the heiroglyph spells, which are tied to particular feat prerequisities).

The book's development and editing was steered toward making it a resource that does not require any particular setting or any particular flavor of fantasy (it covers everything from dark and villainous to bright and heroic to silly/chaotic and so forth).
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Taylor C August 09, 2020 3:46 pm UTC
So I get this is both a niche and overly specific question but does this bring more support for the lesser used damage types like acid and poison?
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Wolfgang B August 26, 2020 5:23 pm UTC
It brings a little of those, but as you say, those are somewhat niche. They both do get additional support here!
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RP B August 06, 2020 5:35 am UTC
Um this compiles all the old individual Deep Magic volumes and adds onto them right?
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Chris J August 06, 2020 8:02 am UTC
Yes, it updates a lot of the pre-existing material based on feedback from players and further playtesting. They added some stuff as well, like some new spells and and few other things. If you have the deep magic series, this is a nice but pricey addition. If you don't have have the series, i'd recommend this one for the fine tuning and whatnot. the only things left out are ley magic and clockwork magic archetypes/deities. the clockwork spells are largely included, and there's an updated clockwork spell list for casters that incorporates a ton of time magic spells.
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RP B August 06, 2020 7:20 pm UTC
OK thank you!
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Wolfgang B August 06, 2020 9:29 pm UTC
Can confirm that it compiles the 400-ish spells from the original series, and adds a ton of new stuff (about 300 spells worth). Also familiars, new subclasses, backgrounds, fiendish magic, spell variants, etc.
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Iulian-Ioan P August 09, 2020 1:58 pm UTC
Did you guys fix the mistakes from the subclasses that got reprinted from "Midgard Heroes Handbook"? If the answer is yes, is there an errata PDF in sight for those that bought MHH?
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Wolfgang B August 26, 2020 5:25 pm UTC
You would need to be more specific. We fixed a LOT of things in this book.

There's no errata sheet for Deep Magic 5E yet, but we expect to publish one on or before August 31, 2020, on the Kobold Press store.
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Iulian-Ioan P September 04, 2020 10:47 pm UTC
For example, in my physical copy of MHH, the Justice Domain Cleric gets the "Blade of Wrath" domain spell at level 3, but that one is a 3 level spell and clerics don't get 3rd level spell slots until they reach level 5, thus the cleric learns a spell they can't cast for another 2 levels.
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Chris J August 04, 2020 7:29 pm UTC
It's a good book, with a decent amount of new content and a lot of updated content from the Warlock zine and individual Deep Magic books. The only thing I was disappointed by was the utter lack of ley line / geomancy magic and no structured clockwork magic beyond the spells and a perfunctory spell list. Otherwise, a very, very solid book and worth the money.
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Steve N September 14, 2020 3:29 pm UTC
Not particularly interested in the clockwork magic but, like Christopher, I AM interested in ley magic. What additional sources contain that?
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Wolfgang B September 27, 2020 5:09 pm UTC
That is specific to the Midgard setting, and is available in the Midgard Heroes Handbook and in an upcoming, detailed release covering just ley line magic, spells, subclasses, etc.
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Wolfgang B May 02, 2021 2:58 pm UTC
That release is now available here on DriveThru as Midgard Magic: Ley Lines:
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Chris J May 03, 2021 2:32 pm UTC
I picked the midgard-specific ley book up at the kobold web site and it is very much worth the money. Lots of extra content, lots of reworked systems. I wholeheartedly recommend it.
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