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M20 Melody Through the Mirrorshade LensClick to magnify
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M20 Melody Through the Mirrorshade Lens

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What does the Technocratic Union agent see through those reflective lenses? How many hours of interrogation footage, archives of dossiers, gone over one more time, again and again? What song of Enlightened trigonometry beams before their eyes the trajectory of the reality deviant, or the fastest route to cover in a firefight? Imagine vast mugshot archives of unmutual hackers, “magick” grifters, and monstrous fiends. Picture the boundless feed of fearful information scrolling from top to bottom of the glass, perpetually keeping them at odds with the so-called mages, and the wicked truths that keep the agent believing they’re saving the world.

There are those who believe it accurately, and their stories are the ones most worth telling. Elite, isolated researchers and Iteration X rookies alike understand why their work is so harsh and thankless, but they can both share the same vision of a peaceful future, as seen through their own Enlightened lenses. Staring through the screens, the question that deserves asking is this: how deep can this infinite calculus permeate? Into the eyes? Into the mind? Into the soul, and time, and beyond? If pushed, how could it not go beyond? How could it not go beyond, and how could it possibly stop?

Gaze long enough, and what gazes back?

Melody Through the Mirrorshade Lens is a compilation of four novellas surrounding the infamous Technocracy and its predecessor — the Order of Reason.

  • The Profit: Mirrorshade Agent Caleb Whittemore tracks a killer through a series of brutal murders, powerful networks, and terrible ends.
  • They’re Coming Through!: Captain Deacon leads her marines of the Neutralization Corps in valiant defense against a monstrous incursion.
  • The Test: Iteration X recruit Melody Gray defends her innocence against an elite NWO interrogator.
  • Fell Winds: Xenobiologist Danny Grant discovers how a horrific, centuries-old mystery surrounding Victorian era ship now threatens Ultima Thule — and possibly the world.

Also available now from Onyx path Publishing:

Trinity Continuum: PanopticonTrinity Continuum: Panopticon

Three months ago, Boston’s city defenders, the Bulwarks, met a tragic end. Two of their members died in a mysterious flash, and the third nova, Daystar, went missing. The head Directive intelligence agent on the case turned up dead a few weeks later, after sending his team a particularly cryptic communication.

Now, operative Alina Vaughn and her cell race to finish the work their colleague started. Though it begins as a find-and-rescue op for Daystar, the deeper they dig, the more Alina has to wonder if the nova killed his teammates and is planning a catastrophic return to the spotlight. The operatives aren’t the only ones looking for him. Between his burgeoning cult and a local mobster on the rise, Alina’s cell will need to bring all their skills to bear to find Daystar first.

A novella set in the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant universe.

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August 5th, 2023
So, I finished reading M20 Melody Through the Mirrorshade Lens. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my favorite of the four tales is easily Fell Winds by Travis Legge. (Unfortunately, Fell Winds was the only one of the four stories whic [...]
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File Last Updated:
March 08, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on December 21, 2022.