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CRUSADERS, the roleplaying game of superheroic action, takes you back to the 1980s, at the time of some of the most awesome comics epics ever published – but with a far simpler system than the great superhero RPGs of this glorious decade.

Leaving behind superfluous stuff like sub-stats, complex calculations or real-world physics, CRUSADERS combines genre emulation with old school spirit, using a simple, robust yet elegant D100-based core mechanic.

This 100-page rulebook includes (among other things) the description of more than 40 powers (with a myriad of options and possible refinements), GM-ing tips on how to create your own setting, sample villains and even some elegant optional rules for those who want to make their game grittier or more four-color! 

So what are you waiting for, true believers? CHECK IT OUT!

P.S: Full-size PDF preview here:

Reviews (7)
Discussions (15)
Customer avatar
Perry H March 25, 2024 12:05 am UTC
Having already purchased the PDF in the past before the print version was an option, I don't suppose there's any discount for ordering the print version after the fact? If not I would effectively paying 14.90 (4.95 for the initial pdf plus 9.95 for the current print+pdf combo).
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sylvie I March 28, 2024 2:55 pm UTC
Ah, no, sorry... You'll notice that A LOT of my stuff is FREE or PWYW so I'd dare to think that it more or less evens things out. Thanks for your support!
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Andrew W August 12, 2022 11:30 pm UTC
Hi, hope you don't mind me adding a question here.... How do centers / perimeters / environs work with multiple combatants in a scene? Can a battle with lots of characters have multiple "Centers"?
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sylvie I August 14, 2022 3:51 pm UTC
All questions are welcome - and yes, you're right. When a battle breaks down in several, smaller fights, each fight (or even each character, for that matter) may have its own Center: it's a subjective, relative concept. Note that this question has already been clarified in the post-errata version and was also addressed in the Crusaders Queries section of CRUSADERS SHOWCASE n°1.
Customer avatar
Andrew W August 15, 2022 4:13 am UTC
Oh, which edition number? I have 1.2, I’ll look for it. Thank you!
Customer avatar
sylvie I August 15, 2022 10:34 am UTC
Be sure to check last page of SHOWCASE n°1, "Crusaders Queries", under "Combat Zones".
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Jeff M July 14, 2022 3:46 pm UTC
Bonjours, j'ai vu une erreur dans la table Origines et pouvoirs disponnibles

"*** At least one of the character’s Powers must be a Physical or Force Power"

je ne vois pas justement l'origine concernée par les trois asterisques, ça concerne quelle origne ?

sur une autre note j'aime bien le côté qui rappel un certain jeu des année 80's dont le 4C et le FASERIP sont des rétroclones et la table d'oposition tres tres BRP.

J'aime beaucoup, faut juste que j'essaie de faire une fiche de héros française.
Customer avatar
sylvie I July 14, 2022 5:24 pm UTC
Ah oui une fiche française ce serait sympa - contacte-moi en MP sur le forum du jeu pour qu'on en parle plus en détail! (mon pseudo: crusaders)

Sinon, pour l'erreur des trois astérisques, oui, c'est bizarre: j'ai l'impression que c'est un leftover obsolète qui ne correspond à rien - je vais approfondir la question... et merci de l'avoir signalé!

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Jeff M July 14, 2022 8:21 pm UTC
Merci Olivier :D
Pour la fiche faudrait que j'embete ma designeuse favorite (ce qui va me couter cher en lamelle de mangue sêches), parce que je n'ai pas les comptence, je vais voir ce que je peux faire, et je vous contacte des que j'ai quelque chose pour voir si les termes on été adapter correctement.
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sylvie I July 15, 2022 8:31 am UTC
OK. A priori voilà mes traductions "officielles":
Physique = Physique
Prowess = Adresse
Alertness = Vivacité
Psyche = Psyché
Vitality = Vitalité
Rank = Rang
Hero points = Points d'Héroïsme
Customer avatar
Jeff M July 15, 2022 11:53 am UTC
Oh parfait alors :) un grand merci, fais une copie, et en suite fau que j'embete la personne qui pourrait m'aider :)
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sylvie I July 15, 2022 3:16 pm UTC
Et ça m'intéresse ! N'hésitez pas à poster votre fiche ici :
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Jeff M August 09, 2022 11:39 pm UTC
Question : est ce que la version imprimée est sur Lulu ?
le probleme avec les livres de DTRP la VAT (ou TVA).
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Jeff M August 10, 2022 12:28 am UTC
Test un deux troi...
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Jeff M August 15, 2022 9:43 pm UTC
La personne que j'essaie d'embeter pour faire une feuille en VF (et peut etre en Version Anglaise) voudrait faire une feuille inspirée par Marvel Super Heroes (celui de TSR) avec une silhouette, problème serait de trouver une silhoutte pour plusieurs morphotype et libre de droit...
Je vous tiens au courrant si elle arrive à faire quelque chose.
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Simon P July 11, 2022 6:03 pm UTC
Sadly, I can't write a review or give a rating due to being a publisher, so I'll write a comment here.
A very neat and a bit retro superhero game. I managed to consume the whole book and understand the rules in about ~1,5 hours.
Even though it's only 100 pages, the book is pretty packed with materials. There is a healthy list of superpowers and abilities to choose from. I managed to re-create most known superheroes without problem.
My only slight gripe are the rolls in the game. You need to print out a big table, to quickly determine the chance of success. It's definetly a not very "modern" approach, but if you don't mind older d% systems, then it shouldn't be a problem for you.
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sylvie I July 12, 2022 3:37 am UTC
Thanks for your feedback!

The Challenge table is indeed part of the deliberate 'retro' feel of the game - but it's just a playing aid and can easily be replaced by a simple calculation: start with a base chance of 50% and then compare the active score with the opposing score; if the active score is higher, add 5% per point of difference; if the opposing score is higher, subtract 5% per point of difference.

Ex: An active score of 18 vs. an opposing score of 15 gives you a 3 points advantage, which translates as a +15% success bonus, for a total of 65%. The same active score of 18 vs. an opposing score of 20 would result in a -10% modifier, for a total of 40%.

With a bit of practice, calculating these odds on the fly becomes a very quick & easy process. :)
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sylvie I July 01, 2022 9:47 pm UTC
CRUSADERS now has its own forum! Check it out and join us:
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Steve R June 27, 2022 11:07 am UTC
This game is giving me all the feels. As a massive Golden heroes fan, this product feels comfortable to me but with some nice innovations. Like the notion of flip-flopping the power choices for example. I'm excited to get some of my old Golden Heroes characters statted up in this ruleset and alos to create some new ones. I'll be writing a review as soon as I can.
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sylvie I June 27, 2022 12:54 pm UTC
Great! And don't hesitate to join us on Facebook!
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Rick H June 25, 2022 10:18 am UTC
I couldn’t find anyplace (besides here) specifically dedicated to discussing this great new game so I made a Facebook Group. Come check it out!
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Rick H June 27, 2022 12:35 am UTC
Note - creator Olivier Legrand has joined us and is answering questions, giving sneak peeks at what’s ahead, etc. Come check it out!
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Jason M June 23, 2022 8:30 pm UTC
Question, it mentions using d6 dice for damage on page 18, but I can't find anything else referencing a d6 in the entire book. Am I missing something?
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sylvie I June 23, 2022 8:42 pm UTC
Aw sorry! This is an oversight from an earlier draft! We'll correct this ASAP!
Customer avatar
sylvie I June 23, 2022 9:23 pm UTC
The error on p18 has been corrected. An updated PDF is now available. Buyers should have received a notification. Thanks for spotting this mistake!
Customer avatar
Jason M June 24, 2022 1:03 am UTC
Awesome, thank you!!!
Customer avatar
James S June 23, 2022 8:07 pm UTC
Just bought this... very cool little game!

I do have a question though. I see there is a section on Knockback, a staple effect of most superhero games. However, it does not appear to say what the effects of knock back are. It mentions only that if the damage exceeds the target's Physique score, Knockback occurs. I'm assuming it is a certain distance per point of damage above Physique but it doesn't mention any distances.
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sylvie I June 23, 2022 8:44 pm UTC
No distance is mentioned because they are left to the players' description - as in the Movement rules. Knockback occurs as a dramatic effect - you're either knocked back (and stunned for one turn) or you're not.
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James S June 24, 2022 6:37 am UTC
Ah okay, that makes sense. I had completely forgotten that ranges are abstract. So basically getting knocked back might knock someone from Center to Perimeter, that sort of thing.
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sylvie I June 24, 2022 1:30 pm UTC
Yes - although this specific interpretation is not explicitly mentioned in the rules. It all depends on how "wide" you imagine the Center of action to be - but this idea is a very interesting one - thanks for sharing it!
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James S June 24, 2022 6:35 pm UTC
One more question regarding zones. Zones are not meant to be static, right? If a Villain blaster starts out at range from a Hero martial artist, they would both be in the Perimeter to one another. If the martial artist Hero takes the Engage action on his turn and charges, they are now toe to toe and would be considered in the Center of action, correct? Also, suppose we have Hero A and Hero B and Villain 1 and Villain 2. Hero A is engaged with Villain 1 and 30 feet away Hero B is engaged with Villain 2. Hero A and Villain 1 would be considered in the Center to one another as would Hero B and Villain 2, but Hero A and Villain 1 would be considered in the Perimeter of Hero B and Villain 2. Do I understand that correctly? Meaning that the center of action is wherever 2 or more people are engaged with one another toe to toe and the perimeter is anyone at range from others and can change as combatants move around the battlefield.
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sylvie I June 25, 2022 2:44 am UTC
Exactly. Zones are always relative and subjective, with the Center of the action being where HTH combat happens.
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Andrew W August 11, 2022 7:49 pm UTC
HI, hope you don't mind me adding a question here.... How does this work with multiple combatants in a scene? Can a battle with lots of characters have multiple "Centers"?
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Eric T June 20, 2022 1:37 am UTC
The review mentions that this book uses a table to resolve actions. I know it's a throwback to 1980s superhero RPGs, but I was hoping I wouldn't need to have the book constantly open. I like to look at rules as little as possible once play begins. Okay, truth is that I'm also blind, and this means I'll probably have to transcribe the table into Braille. I did that with the old Marvel game back in the day, so it's not a deal-breaker. Still, is this table intuitive? Easy to memorize? Thanks.
Customer avatar
sylvie I June 20, 2022 2:34 am UTC
We like to look as the rules as little as possible, too! The table is based on a very simple formula, that should be familiar to many players and GMs:

Base chance of success = 50%
Each point in favor of active score = +5%
Each point in favor of opposing score = -5%

Or, in other words:

Success % = (Active score + 10 - Opposing score) x 5%

So if you have an active score of 13 and you must beat an opposing score of, say, 17, your chances of success will be 30%.
Customer avatar
Maxwell T June 19, 2022 9:51 pm UTC
This looks FANTASTIC! Seriously, I just did a quick flip-through, and I cannot wait to roll up and/or write up characters for this game! Very excited about the supplements to come, too! And as soon as (or if) there is a print option, I will be all over that :)
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sylvie I June 20, 2022 2:37 am UTC
We'll release micro-supplements (approx. 3 page each but filled with useful stuff!) on a monthly basis, in the form of a PWYW mini-webzine. Issue one will be released in 2 weeks or so and will be double-sized. Thanks for your enthusiasm!
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David B June 19, 2022 5:03 pm UTC
Hello! Will this be available in print?
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sylvie I June 19, 2022 5:25 pm UTC
Not in the immediate future - but who knows?
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Jason M June 19, 2022 2:57 am UTC
I can't give it a proper review just yet, but from my quick read through I like this enough that if it goes to print I WILL be buying a physical copy!!
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Jeff M June 18, 2022 12:23 pm UTC
Bonjour, est ce qu'une version française sera t'elle disponnible ?
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sylvie I June 18, 2022 2:18 pm UTC
Ce n'est pas au programme pour l'instant - mais qui sait ?
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Jeff M June 18, 2022 3:49 pm UTC
Merci, si ce n'est pas prévu ce n'est pas grave, mon anglais est bon, mais comme les JDR de super héros sont parfait pour initier les plus jeunes (ma copie originale de Marvel Super Héros tient avec des bout de scotch, c'est dire qu'en 30 ans je m'en suis servi).
Customer avatar
sylvie I June 18, 2022 10:47 am UTC
Hello everyone
Just to let you know: there is some weird problem with the PREVIEW. We can assure you that the first page of the preview does NOT look like this at all - just check the following pages to get a proper view. We'll try to fix this matter ASAP. (Legrand Games Studio)
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Lee S June 18, 2022 10:27 pm UTC
Thanks. Would it be possible to get a Full Size preview with Table of contents also? Thanks again.
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sylvie I June 19, 2022 3:32 am UTC
Of course! Check it out here:
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