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Ironsworn: Starforged


The Sci-Fi Evolution of the Ironsworn RPG is Here!

In Ironsworn: Starforged, you are a spaceborne hero sworn to undertake perilous quests. You will explore uncharted space, unravel the secrets of a mysterious galaxy, and build bonds with those you meet on your travels. Most importantly, you will swear iron vows and see them fulfilled—no matter the cost.

Starforged is a standalone follow-up to the Ironsworn tabletop roleplaying game. Experience with Ironsworn is not required. Starforged builds on Ironsworn's award-winning innovations (including its famed solo play!) to chart a path into an exciting new frontier. 

Now expansion: Sundered Isles, seafaring adventures for Ironsworn: Starforged

Three Ways to Play

  • Guided: One or more players take the role of their characters, while a guide moderates the session.
  • Co-Op: You and one or more friends play to overcome challenges and complete quests.  No guide required.
  • Solo: You portray a lone character driven to fulfill vows in a dangerous galaxy. Good luck!

What's Included

  • Story-driven mechanics to put your character at the center of their quest-driven adventures.
  • Inspiring campaign launch exercises to build your setting, create your character, and set off into a universe of perils and opportunities.
  • Creative prompts to eliminate game prep and push your adventures forward—with or without a guide.
  • System-agnostic generators for on-the-fly discoveries of spaceborne locations, planets, settlements, people, creatures, starships, foreboding derelicts, ancient alien vaults, and more!
  • Extensive advice, examples, and options for exploring the story of your characters and their fateful vows.


About the Starforged Digital Edition

The Starforged Digital Edition includes everything you need to play.

  • A 404-page, lavishly illustrated rulebook. The rulebook PDF is fully bookmarked, hyperlinked, indexed, searchable, and optimized for fast tablet display. Portrait and landscape (two-page spread) formats are included.  
  • 87 print-andplaycharacter asset cards, including your starship, support vehicles, modules, paths, companions, and deeds.
  • The Starforged Playkit, which contains the character sheet, move reference sheets, and an array of useful worksheets.
  • BONUS: A PDF version of the 127-page Starforged Reference Guide. This handy companion contains core content from the Starforged rulebook, along with additional condensed summaries. It includes the moves, the complete set of oracle tables, a rules breakdown, a glossary, and more. It's everything you need to keep your story moving.


The System

In Starforged, moves help you decide what happens when you encounter something dangerous or uncertain. There is a move for most situations and challenges you will face. For solo and co-op play, these moves help resolve your actions and trigger new opportunities and complications. Starforged moves are inspired by the innovative, fiction-first mechanics of the Apocalypse World system created by D. Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker.

When you make a move triggered by a risky or uncertain action, roll three dice at once to see what happens: an action die (D6) and two challenge dice (D10). Add your relevant stat and any bonuses to your action die. This is your action score. Then, compare your action score to each of the challenge dice. If you beat both those dice, that's a strong hit. If you only beat one of the challenge dice, you've scored a weak hit. If your action score doesn't beat either challenge die, that's a miss. The move will tell you how to interpret these results. 


Character creation is fast and flexible, with a guided exercise to help define your background, resources, expertise, and goals. During play, you use the character sheet to manage your stats and resources. As you complete quests, make discoveries, and form bonds, you gain experience. You spend this experience to gain assets—vehicles, modules, paths, and companions—which deepen your abilities and options. Assets are formatted as printable, poker-sized cards for easy reference.


Tone and Inspiration

Starforged is human-centric science fiction on a perilous frontier. This is a scavenged future, with equipment often cobbled together from salvage. People cling to survival on inhospitable worlds and in remote space stations. Much has been forgotten or lost. It's a dangerous life for anyone living on this frontier, and doubly so for the Ironsworn—those adventurers bound to sworn quests.

Inspiration comes from the quest-driven stories of The Mandalorian, the lived-in aesthetic and fantasy-infused trappings of the original Star Wars trilogy, the workaday exploits of Firefly, the isolated horror of Alien, the mysticism and faction politics of Dune, the retro-tech and desperation of Battlestar Galactica's modern reboot, the cosmic mysteries and class struggles of The Expanse, and the gonzo adventures and fantastic locations of Guardians of the Galaxy.

You can bend the tone to your liking. You'll make a unique version of the setting as you define aspects such as its history, technology, communities, lifeforms, supernatural abilities, and more.


What's New

Are you a returning Ironsworn player? Welcome back! I really appreciate your ongoing support. You'll find some changes and enhancements to suit the spacefaring setting, but the core of the game will be familiar. If you're new to the Ironsworn system, Starforged gives you everything you need to undertake quests in a perilous galaxy.

Here's some highlights of what's changed from core Ironsworn

  • Board your starship: Travel through the galaxy in your interstellar ship, and customize it with support vehicles and modules.
  • Build a legacy: An expanded experience system offers legacy rewards for quests, discoveries, and bonds.
  • Explore the galaxy: Use the expedition moves to travel through perilous space, journey over unexplored terrain, and survey mysterious sites.
  • Create lasting relationships: Use the connection moves to establish new relationships and work to cultivate those connections over time.
  • Fight for what matters: Flexible combat moves put the focus on action-oriented objectives.
  • Keep flying: When you take a hit, use the damage and repair moves for your command ship, support vehicles, and mechanical companions.
  • Ask the oracle: An incredible array of oracle tables to help inspire complications, opportunities, locations, people, settlements, creatures, starships, and more!
  • Be who you want: More than 85 character assets for the sci-fi setting. If you loved Ironsworn's fast and flexible character creation, you'll find even more to love here.
  • Make the universe your own: Guided exercises—including campaign truths, character creation, and starting situations—get your campaign off the launch pad.
  • Stay safe: New session moves help ensure that everyone at the table can comfortably enjoy a fun and fulfilling experience.


Ironsworn and Starforged Buzz

“Ironsworn advanced the art of solo adventure game design by leaps and bounds, bringing innovative techniques and systems to the form and helping to introduce solo rpgs to a new generation of players. It's a masterpiece.”
John Harper, Game Designer

“Starforged takes everything I love about Ironsworn—the balance of rules vs narrative freedom, the excellent solo mechanics, the Oracle system that sparks your imagination and lets you create your own unique version of the Ironlands—streamlines it, improves on it, and places it in a science fiction setting full of mystery and excitement.It's as if the game was made just for me!”
Jamie McKelvie, Artist / Writer

“Starforged is Beowulf meets Firefly, on the raggedy edges of space with only your crew, your ship, and your glowcat. Your story unfurls in marvelously unexpected ways through the Oracles as you discover wonders and monsters.”

- Kate Ravenna, Writer

“The strongest point of Ironsworn for me is that it is massive toolbox. All of its parts hang together well as a singular product - and each one of them can also be taken outside of the ecosystem of the game, and repurposed for other things with minimal to zero adjustment.”
Pamela Punzalan, Game Developer / Writer / Editor / Consultant

“Ironsworn is a near-perfect design for GMs who want to generate and experience — as a player! — surprising and satisfying twists and turns in a tabletop RPG. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to feature it in the second season of "Me, Myself and Die!”
Trevor Duvall, Voice Actor / Host of Me, Myself & Die!

“Ironsworn is my overall favourite RPG, solo or otherwise. Starforged builds on the ideas of Ironsworn in meaningful ways, creating not only a remarkably more complete system but a more engaging and fun player experience. Starforged has elevated play in ways that will delight and surprise you; it is as good as it gets for solo play.”
Norm, Co-Host of the Always Player One Podcast

“It’s miraculous how the system, with its simple mechanics and random tables, can create drama, tension and worldbuilding seemingly from thin air ... Ironsworn didn’t just make me a better player or Game Master – it made me a better storyteller.”
Timothy, Pro DM / Filmmaker

“There are few greater powers in RPGs than a creative imagination fueled by randomness. Ironsworn’s oracles include just the right resolution to create fantastic locations, engaging situations and deep characters we would never think up on our own. Ironsworn is one of the most creative RPGs I’ve played in years.”
Michael E. Shea (Sly Flourish), Writer

“Ironsworn is one of the smartest, best designed, TTRPGs I’ve ever played, and more than that I think it’s an incredible tool for writers and creatives. I am always amazed at how the mechanics can lead the narrative in unexpected and exciting ways. I’m so excited for Starforged and can’t wait to see what Shawn does next!”
Mark Hulmes, Streamer / Writer


Ironsworn.png ironsworn-cover.png delve-cover.png

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Customer avatar
Jason B February 11, 2025 4:22 am UTC
I would love to have a printer-friendly version of the pdf with fewer or grayscale illustrations. Anything like that exist?
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Bob V February 01, 2025 9:55 am UTC
For the past few days, I attempted to solo my way through Rise & Shiningstar (18 pages, at DriveThruRPG). This adventure is for Ironsworn: Starforged which I did use. The adventure was supposed to take place at the location of Shiningstar, but the solo engines did not take me there (I used the oracles in the ruleset and Microsoft Copilot). I created five characters. It must be noted that the PC Kaisa has an uncle who has an enemy. This was part of Kaisa's background. The PCs started the adventure close to the Starport. They were asking questions, trying to find Shiningstar. First, they talked to some space gypsies. One gypsy told them, "The path you seek is hidden not in the stars, but in the shadows they cast. Trust not only in what you see, but in what remains unseen. Your future is intertwined with a beacon of green in the darkest of places, and it is there that your destiny awaits. Seek the hidden, the forgotten, and the outcast. Only by embracing the mysteries of the future will you find the...See more
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September 11, 2024 8:13 pm UTC
Any plans to release a PoD for the Asset Deck for Starforged? If not, any idea when it will be generally available again (I can't find a physical deck anywhere)?
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Shawn T September 11, 2024 8:28 pm UTC
Thanks for asking. A reprint for the asset deck is currently in production. Should be available in the next month or two via Modiphius (UK or US websites).
Customer avatar
September 11, 2024 8:31 pm UTC
Thanks, and thank you for the quick reply!
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Tim K July 20, 2024 10:16 am UTC
Any plans for POD here? Getting it from Modiphius and delivered to Australia is frankly way too expensive.
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Shawn T August 27, 2024 3:00 pm UTC
Hi, Tim. I am planning on releasing a POD softcover edition later this year. I am also currently shipping copies of the deluxe edition to Australia, and those will be available for purchase (with reasonable shipping) in a couple of months.
Customer avatar
Tim K August 30, 2024 9:56 am UTC
that's great Shawn, thanks. look forward to it
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Shawn T February 01, 2025 3:19 pm UTC
Hi, Tim. Just wanted to follow up to let you know that Starforged books and cards are now available via Aetherworks for direct AU shipping.
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Tim K February 06, 2025 9:44 am UTC
thanks Shawn, I'll take a look
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Joshua S July 04, 2024 3:46 pm UTC
I was recently given a copy of this game. What I was wondering about is why the version I has only 243 pages and this one says it has 404 pages. What extra does this one have?
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Shawn T August 27, 2024 2:59 pm UTC
Hi, Joshua.

I'm not sure what version you are looking at. It might be an old preview version that was delivered to backers during the Kickstarter. In which case the answer would be that the full version contains a large amount of additional rules, options, content, and updates that are not included in the preview.
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Zachery H May 15, 2024 10:35 am UTC
Are the assets listed in the book or do I need to buy the deck of cards too?
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Shawn T May 15, 2024 2:09 pm UTC
Print-and-play versions of the assets are included with the PDF package.
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Majid A November 29, 2023 7:29 am UTC
Hello Shawn,
Any word on the availability of the physical versions on Modiphius ?

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Shawn T January 22, 2024 3:17 am UTC
Hey there! Sorry for the delay in responding. The title was under the Modiphius account, so I wasn't getting notifications.

At any rate, we're sending Starforged off for a 2nd printing, and you can preorder via Modiphius. Check out their site for details.
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Neil A June 18, 2023 9:30 am UTC
Negative Momentum - must the negative momentum level exactly match the Action Dice to negate it or is the Action Dice also negated if you have more Negative Momentum ? eg, you have Neg Mom of -4 and Action Dice scored 3, if Action Dice negated ? Rules just say match scores.
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Shawn T June 19, 2023 4:10 pm UTC
Only when your momentum matches the action die.
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Darrin M April 27, 2023 8:39 pm UTC
Any way we can get backs to the asset cards for printing? Thank you.
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Andrew K April 08, 2023 2:01 am UTC
I recently bought all the Ironsworn: Starforged products at my local game store. The Deluxe Edition, Reference Guide and cards.
Are the PDFs for these items available? If so, how could I arrange to receive them? I did not see that Starforged is available through Bits & Mortar.
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Andrew D April 10, 2023 11:30 am UTC
Email the publisher Modiphius directly and ask. They give you free pdfs if you have proof of purchase.
Info on their website:
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Boris M February 20, 2023 12:01 pm UTC
The physical copy sold by Modiphius is hardcover only. Can we expect a softcover at some point?
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Shawn T February 25, 2023 3:34 pm UTC
Hi, Boris. Thanks for asking. A softcover version isn't in the current plans.
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Boris M February 26, 2023 12:41 am UTC
Hi Shawn, thanks for the reply
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carlos C January 22, 2023 8:49 am UTC
anyone know if there's like a fan made psionics?
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Shawn T January 24, 2023 6:43 pm UTC
I'm not sure if I've seen a psionics add-on, but I bet it's out there. I'd invite you to hop over to our Discord, which is a great place to check-in on homebrew and fanmade content (

Barring that, many of the existing supernatural character assets can be readily flavored as psionics.
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Tim K January 13, 2023 11:45 am UTC
Will a POD option be available from this site?

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Shawn T January 24, 2023 6:41 pm UTC
Hi, Tim. No plans for POD at this time. The print edition will be available through Modiphius later this week.
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Jason M November 24, 2022 5:46 pm UTC
Will the print version by Modiphius also include the PDF (or an option to include the PDF at a discounted price)? Just trying to figure out the most economical way to get both. If there will be no option/discount with the print version I'll just get to enjoy it sooner. :)
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Steven A November 29, 2022 6:42 am UTC
Same question here!
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Shawn T November 29, 2022 4:04 pm UTC
Hi, Jason. Thanks for asking. Yes, purchasing the print copy via Modiphius will include the PDF. You can look for that early in the new year.
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Shawn T November 29, 2022 4:05 pm UTC
@Steven A. See my response to Jason. Short answer, yes!
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Jason M November 29, 2022 4:45 pm UTC
Awesome, thanks Shawn!
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Gilles D October 01, 2022 2:14 pm UTC
Hello, is there a printer friendly version of the pdf?
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Shawn T November 29, 2022 4:12 pm UTC
Thanks for asking. There is not a print-friendly version. Creating an alternate printer-friendly version is possible, but it'd be a fairly big project so I'd have to keep an eye on interest and demand. Generally, I'd suggest grabbing the reference guide, which is a pared down version of the rulebook with just the info you generally need at the table. It's included in PDF format in the download, and will be available for purchase from Modiphius in the new year.
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September 11, 2022 2:55 pm UTC
I backed this on KS at the digital level. I need a quick reminder for how to download everything you guys came through with at my economy pledge level :)
Thanks so much!
PS: I plan on using some of your tables in a game of classic traveler I’ve been “reffing” for a few years. It’s neat how your very modern game fits in so well with the first Sci-fi RPG. Traveller was very much built around random tables. Our version of CT has bits and bobs from lots of more modern and narratively focused games.
Also hoping to get your game to the table in Toto!
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Joshua M September 21, 2022 5:39 pm UTC
If you have accessed the files before, you can search the term "Starforged" in your google drive search bar and the "Starforged Backer Access" file will be located in your shared folder.

Around the close of the Kickstarter in early June 2021, Shawn sent a message to all pledge tiers with a link to the early access folder. To find this message:

1. Ensure you are logged into Kickstarter
2. Click on your profile and select "messages"
3. Search your messages for "Tomkin"
4. Look for the message from June 3rd
5. Click the link in that message!

This process is for Kickstarter backers. If you are a late backer, check your pledge manager dashboard for the link to your Digital Edition files and stretch goal rewards.
Customer avatar
Shawn T September 21, 2022 5:54 pm UTC
Sorry I missed this message, but Joshua has some great direction for you. If you have any issues, please feel free to message me via Kickstarter and I'll get it sorted.
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