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A few months ago (as of the time of this being written) we teamed up with Penny Arcade to create a Cyberpunk RED 4-pin set. In setting up the backing card for the pin set, we noticed the big empty space on the back and thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be neat to make some new Cyberpunk RED gear to go there?". That turned out to be a great idea in theory but we hadn't considered the possibility of Penny Arcade shutting down shipping to Europe due to various external factors.

We know a lot of Cyberpunk RED fans in the EU and UK are upset about not being able to buy the pins . We wish we could make that happen but unfortunately, that's beyond our control. What we can do, however, is make the new gear available to anyone and that's what this PDF is all about. We hope the pins do become available everywhere in the world eventually but, until then, this PDF contains rules for the following four items, originally on the back of the pin card:

  • The spinning Chipware Compartment Cybereye Option.
  • The purrfect MicroCutie by Hello Cutie Medium Pistol.
  • The world's best contact lens, the Smart Lens.
  • The amazingly-bright Superflash Jacket.
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William M November 05, 2021 2:50 pm UTC
I think we call them "badges" in the UK, if this is meant for your international audience. Out of context this is very confusing listing - it sounds like your just charging for packaging for a thing which isn't available, for printing at home? Really bizarre. Without a picture I can't even tell if this is even a product?
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Chromie S November 07, 2021 3:47 pm UTC
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John N November 01, 2021 1:07 am UTC
Glad to have an option of getting this material without having to pay out for four pins that I really don't want. Merchandise is neat but it should sell on it's own and NOT have attached game material. Thanks for giving us this option.
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Yorian W October 27, 2021 7:24 pm UTC
Glad to have this as a option instead of $30 pins that i can't get do to penny arcade not shiping to europe anymore.

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Hannes D October 27, 2021 12:26 pm UTC
One A4 page with around 60% of it for the actual items. It has no pictures and no fluff, so less meat than in each free dlc.
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File Last Updated:
October 25, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on October 25, 2021.