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Defiant Awakening


Defiant RPG is an urban fantasy game about the mighty, modern-day supernaturals, who rebelled against their destiny and, instead of destroying the world, decided to protect it. By enforcing a demanding set of rules, the Defiant aristocracy empowers protective seals around their cities, making them the only safe-havens in a world ravaged by the Apocalypse.


The Player Characters are the Defiant blue-bloods, leading the supernatural society of fallen angels, demons, ancient gods, and dragons. They are powerful rulers, with their own Holdings (like clubs or luxurious mansions) and faithful subjects.

Defiant Awakening is a free Defiant Quickstart. It covers all the basic concepts of the game and setting, along with game rules needed to start playing Defiant. This guide should be more than enough to play a couple of mini-Episodes with your friends and get to know the game. 

In Defiant Awakening, you will find a short Chronicle, taking place in the Bridgewood Boulevard Province, a few months before the events described in a main Defiant rulebook. You will be able to play as fallen Angels and Daeva, the ancient gods, and choose from several character creation options (no pre-designed characters). Aside from many NPCs and locations described in the book, there are six Threads and many Story Hooks to help the GM run the Chronicle without much effort. And if you get attached to your Characters, you can continue playing them in the main rulebook Chronicle.

Game rules highlights:

  • There’s no simple “You succeeded” or “You failed” outcome. There’s always a choice, an obstacle, or some trouble involved, but also bonuses, unexpected benefits, and lucky turns of events.
  • Players can influence the story by using different Theme Questions, tailored to playing their chosen Themes. The “Gem” Character can ask, “How am I the center of this event?” or the Guide can ask, “Who approaches me about my teachings?”.
  • Instead of Skills or Attributes, the Characters have descriptive Traits the Players can use creatively. The Traits may sound like “Athletic body,” “Thrives during tournaments,” “Knows how to charm,” “Acclaimed style.”

If you like Defiant Awakening, make sure to buy a full Defiant Rulebook on DTRPG. Our Kickstarter campaign for a printed version of the book is coming in June 2021. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the notification when it goes live!

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Shawn H June 19, 2021 6:17 pm UTC
Reading through this Quickstart while watching the kickstarter tick along (wife backed it for me for Father's day) . I'm loving this game sofar and am incredibly impressed with its ability to incorporate inclusiveness without coming across as forced at all.

I'm reading the part about Heirs and new Defiant, and to me it reads basically as 2 Defiant, regardless of genders, can mate and have a chance to create a spark of creation (which I'm assuming/reading as a reborn soul of a dead Defiant).

That spark then floats around and finds a suitable host to embed itself in, creating a new defiant. That new Defiant is taking a normal person, usually a teen to young adult, who suddenly empowers then into a supernatural being. This new Defiant instinctively recognizes their supernatural creators.
So there isn't any actual child birth/pregnancy, and no choosing who you empower into godhood? Does this mean that the "misbehaving offspring" mentioned as causing trouble at a meeting...See more
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Marcin K June 19, 2021 6:43 pm UTC
We're hoping to expand on the topics you mentioned in future supplements, but to answer your questions:

- The Defiant child is always a member of one of the Parent's House (and Origin, of course).

- A child of two Lowborn Defiant cannot be a Royal.

- while there is no pregnancy per se, one of the Parents (the Beacon) can steer the future offspring through mystical visions or different interactions (specific to each Origin), shaping or guiding them, before they manifest in physical form.

- Yes, the "newborn child" is always a fully adult Defiant, usually either in very late teens or early twenties.
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Shawn H June 20, 2021 1:09 am UTC
Thanks. One last question for now. If a Royal (non Achto) takes a member of House Achto as a Consort, how does that work with the Achto custom for the Consort creation?
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Marcin K June 20, 2021 5:24 am UTC
Achto customs work only in the situation where the Achto is the Lord or the Lady. If they are a Consort, the marriage works in accordance to the rules of their spouse's customs (so, in case of all other Great Houses, a union between two people).
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Lukasz L May 15, 2021 9:51 am UTC
Czytam sobie podręcznik, myślę "bardzo to podobne do Armii Apokalipsy"! Później dopiero spojrzałem na stopkę redakcyjną, i zorientowałem się skąd to podobieństwo. Ot, refleks. Życzę powodzenia i do zobaczenia na Kickstarterze ;)
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Marcin K May 15, 2021 10:15 am UTC
Dziękujemy i do zobaczenia! :-)
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Jeff M May 14, 2021 7:10 pm UTC
i ma bit confused, the Defiant book isn't the complete book ?
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Marcin K May 14, 2021 7:20 pm UTC
The main Defiant book is the complete rulebook. This book (Defiant Awakening) is kind of a quickstart. It's got all the information and rules you need to start playing. After a couple of sessions, if you enjoy the game, we recommend switching to the full Defiant book (available here in PDF version, or in physical version via Kickstarter campaign in June).
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Jeff M May 14, 2021 7:54 pm UTC
i have the complete book actually this is why i m a bit confused by the kickstarter campaign you re mentionning.
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Marcin K May 14, 2021 8:26 pm UTC
The goal of the Kickstarter campaign is to make Defiant available in print. The KS version of the rulebook will have a few additional rules, but they will all be available in PDF format for free for everyone, who bought the Defiant rulebook here. So you will not be missing out on anything. :-)
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Marcin K May 14, 2021 11:32 pm UTC
We've edited the description to make it clear the Kickstarter will be for a printed Defiant core rulebook. Hope it helps :-)
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Jeff M May 15, 2021 4:12 pm UTC
Thanks a lot.
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June 21, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on May 14, 2021.