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SCP The Tabletop RPG (first edition)

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NOTE:  This is the first edition of the SCP RPG.  For second edtion please visit:


SCP The Tabletop Roleplaying game lets you take on the role of members of The Foundation to help Secure, Contain, and Protect various anomalies throughout the globe.

This book was successfully funded on Kickstarter in early 2021 and made over 1500% of the goal to fund its artwork and was written with an easy explanation of the ruleset first and foremost (see full-size preview pages for basic dice rules).  

Backers of the Kickstarter suggested what SCPs would be included in the book, which contains 20 pages of SCP content with original artwork, descriptions, and game statistics.

This is an 8.5x11 full-size book of 292 pages.  This book, some dice, and an optional deck of SCP Drama Cards (sold separately) are all that is required to play.

SCP The Tabletop RPG offers a unique (optional) Drama Card system that allows players to draw from a deck of 82 unique effects to keep your Director (GM) on their toes.  Effects range from rerolling an attribute check to rewriting your character's backstory!

Players begin with a Security Level, which not only determines what sensitive data they are allowed access to within the Foundation, but also what weapons they have access to, and what pages in the book they are given free access to read (Director's discretion).

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors. SCP The Tabletop RPG being derived from this content, is hereby also released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 licence.

Want to know the basic flow of combat?  Check out the Beginners Guide!

Also don't miss out on our modules, Shadows of Site 093, and The Huntress of Yarmouth.

(No additional expansions required)
(Uses standard 7-die set)

Check out this video review:

Reviews (16)
Discussions (23)
Customer avatar
NEIL S August 16, 2022 4:31 am UTC
Does this deal withj alternate realities
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Jason K September 20, 2022 10:47 pm UTC
There is a section about the fabric of reality/humes & kant counters, but it doesn't go into detail about each SCP canon. :/
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Elijah W May 08, 2022 1:39 am UTC
Question: So with the new "Reality Bending and You" expansion is it possible to play as anomalous personnel. Does that mean we can play as things like Shapeshifters, Kaijumancers, and the like?
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Jason K May 19, 2022 3:47 pm UTC
Yes Elijah, you can play as anomalous personnel with the new Reality Bending expansion. The rules are very loose for magic, but it does cover how to handle Kaijumancy and shapeshifting. The group I'm running my players became type greens. I wouldn't suggest running your first game with reality benders but it can be a great reward to end long campaigns on. (It can be a bit OP!)
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Matthew C January 12, 2022 9:09 pm UTC
Question: Are there any rules for playing a sort of psionic/magical agent? Me and a friend were in a campaign before this came out, and we're thinking of picking it back up again but running it in this system. They were playing a character with some amount of magic powers, but we aren't sure how to translate that to this system.
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Malvin O January 13, 2022 9:36 pm UTC
Answer: A small group of fans are working on a Fan Expansion about thaumaturgy and magic, but until that's finsihed it shouldn't be too difficult to add some spells, as the system uses Exertion as a resource, that can be used as some kind of "mana".

I recommend joining the Discord Server, we are a small, but helpful community that can give you a hand with creating a mechanic for your friend's magic.
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Jason K March 29, 2022 4:30 am UTC
There will be a mini expansion coming (very) soon that has a free form magic system.
I'm in the process of playtesting it right now.
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Jason K April 09, 2022 3:07 am UTC
It's out btw. It's called "Reality Bending and You" and it's only 5 bucks.
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Daniel I September 20, 2021 2:41 pm UTC
I love the game


"This is an 8.5x11 full-size book of 292 pages."

My pdf has 291, lacking a good illustrated cover page


I find this lack of caring disturbing
Customer avatar
Jason K September 25, 2021 2:17 am UTC
I care! D': I had this "brilliant" idea that the table of contents would be best as the first page, since you can get there in one click to navigate the book easier, and then someone mentioned that they wanted the cover art, and I agree it would look nicer that way. But then after I added it, all the page numbering was off and the hyperlinks all got messed up! It was a nightmare! If you want to see the cover art (and some amazing others) check out
He did the majority of art for the book.
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Jason K September 25, 2021 6:13 pm UTC
I added the cover page as the last page of the pdf. Hope that's suitable. :P
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Daniel I September 28, 2021 7:16 pm UTC
I understand!
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Daniel I September 28, 2021 7:18 pm UTC
Man, I love U. Very Much. You really care, indeed. I didn't expect a response, and I have TWO and a solution. Man you are Awesome. Mind my comment... it was a friendly one, because I really really REALLY love SCP, and all about the texts, images and so is so compelling that... I really missed my cover page. Now I have one. And I'm happy :D Thanks a lot man. Great Great Work.
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Colin B August 26, 2021 1:05 pm UTC
Poledancing velociraptors? I am so in.
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Aiden P August 22, 2021 6:16 am UTC
So were can i find the SCP Charicter sheets but like the smaller one, im making a SCP_XXXX-2 and kinda whanna use that but i cant find it.
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Jason K August 26, 2021 4:58 am UTC
I never made a public version, but I'll add it to the downloads right now. :)
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Patrick K August 15, 2021 6:28 pm UTC
Are there any UK stockists? shipping cotsts are pretty prohibitive.
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Jason K August 17, 2021 5:40 pm UTC
Try Amazon. It's available there too in softcover.
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Patrick K August 18, 2021 10:20 pm UTC
thanks! its a pity the cards asrent on there as well :(
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Christian R August 12, 2021 8:31 pm UTC
I am very interested in this, but I have a few questions before ordering it.
#1 Is there a starter adventure included, preferably with some pre-made characters, so you can start playing right away?
#2 Are the cards included in one of the book tiers or are they sold separately?
Best regards. Great that you actually made this!
Customer avatar
Jason K August 13, 2021 8:18 pm UTC
One starter adventure is included. There are several pre-made NPC stats for general use.
Cards are sold separately (but are optional).
Hope you try it out!
I make games that I enjoy playing myself!
Customer avatar
Milan V August 11, 2021 6:31 am UTC

I've always been interested in the SCP universe, but my current knowledge about any background lore is extremely limited.
Does the book provide a general description or summary of the universe, and perhaps any examples on what kind of stories you could run in the SCP universe?

As the pleb that I am, I am only familiar with the famous SCP containment breach games.
Are adventures always set in The Foundation with the players being a certain class of personel during a breach, or are other kinds of (non-breach related) also possible?

Thanks in advance for your reply!
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Jason K August 13, 2021 8:15 pm UTC
Yes, the book helps those unfamiliar with the SCP universe understand the fundamentals, and it includes one starter adventure. The game gives Directors (GMs) the freedom to let the PCs be members of the Foundation, start off as D-Class, be civilians, or even SCPs. The game does not force a narrative.
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William H July 16, 2021 7:56 am UTC
What is the difference between the premium and standard books?
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Jason K July 17, 2021 3:49 pm UTC
Premium books have more vibrant color for the artwork
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William H July 18, 2021 12:23 am UTC
thank you
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July 08, 2021 8:59 am UTC
Once I get my next pay check I am definitely purchasing a copy of this amazing game Artwork is incredible, the flexible character creation system is a gem, and always wanted to tell my own SCP story! Ever since SCP: Containment Breach as well as its' sister MMO known as Secret Laboratory I hoped to explore SCP as a D&D game one day, looks like that day's finally come! :)
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Edward A July 02, 2021 6:39 am UTC
Thanks, Jason for addressing the confusion over the pricing. I don't get a response from many game devs. So that's settled. Regarding the game. I spent a little time going over the dice mechanics. I really think I can work with this! My friends and I consider our games carefully. We understand the symbiotic relationship with the companies that make these games. (yes I went there!)
I respectfully don't play games made by toy companies. I think there are a lot of innovative things going on at the indy level. Perhaps this is a game we can all get behind. I like that the players had a big part in the creation of this game. That's encouraging.
Ok, I'm done here. I'll take this to SCP's discord!
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Edward A July 02, 2021 5:38 am UTC
Ok one last question, so will the Kickstarter products be of better quality than the print-on-demand products? Should I have just spent my $80 on the Kickstarter and done the $75 pledge instead of the print-on-demand product?
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Jason K July 02, 2021 12:00 pm UTC
The Kickstarter ended in January. After the funding was obtained it went into fulfillment of Backers and artwork. This is the final result of all that work. Backers got the book (from Drivethu) , cards, and top donators got to choose what SCPs were included in the book. 20 SCPs in total were suggested and I commitioned new artwork for them.
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Edward A July 02, 2021 5:48 pm UTC
I think that's really cool that you have the players helping create content that made it's way to the book. I mentioned a few times that I'm big on community. This game really scratches that itch.
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Edward A July 02, 2021 12:13 am UTC
I know I left 3 posts. The SCP game dev's and I are off to a rocky relationship. Which is a shame because I run 2 tables and can turn a good number of players to their game.
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Jason K July 02, 2021 3:41 am UTC
Drivethru increased the price of the Premium copies July 1st, and as a response I reduced the price from $75 down as much as I could, added the standard color option, and reduced the cost of the pdf. There was like a one hour period where the price was auto adjusted to $75.
Send me an email to and I'll help you out Edward!
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Edward A July 02, 2021 5:19 am UTC
Thanks Jason, I sent you an email.
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Edward A July 02, 2021 12:09 am UTC
So I looked at this book earlier today and it was $60. I spoke with my group about playing it. Then came back today to buy it and it's now $75.99!
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Edward A July 02, 2021 12:10 am UTC
Did they add content? Increase the quality of the book? Damn this is pretty shitty.
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Michael G July 05, 2021 1:33 pm UTC
But you run 2 tables with a significant amount of players, you must be an important RPG influencer; I bet you can afford it.
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Edward A July 06, 2021 3:40 pm UTC
Welcome to Barrens chat.
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Robert L July 10, 2021 6:38 am UTC
This made me snort tea out my nose. Thank-you!
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Edward A July 11, 2021 1:28 am UTC
Evidently, the Trolls have found their way out of the barrens of Azeroth all the way to DTRPG!
And YQW Mr. L! :)
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Edward A July 01, 2021 9:16 pm UTC
Isn't this on Kickstarter right now?
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File Last Updated:
May 25, 2022
This title was added to our catalog on June 21, 2021.