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Sprawlrunners is a 71-pages setting-agnostic Savage Worlds toolkit to help you run cyberpunk (with optional magic) in your games! It pays hommage to the classic cyberpunk games of old, bringing their (partially mythically enhanced) flavor to the Fast! Furious! Fun! of the Savage Worlds system.

Sprawlrunners includes:

  • Rules and ideas for playable species and how to integrate them in a – potentially magical – cyberpunk world (4 in addition to humans included)
  • Edges and Hindrances to enhance a cyberpunk feeling (connecting many systems in Sprawlrunners to tie them into character Advances)
  • Two different sets of rules for Hacking in cyberspace (the lightning-quick Fast Lane or the more detailed Slow Burn)
  • Jockeys – characters who control vehicles and drones remotely or directly via implants (plus their toys, drones and vehicles!)
  • A full system for integrating gear and implants into character Advances instead of keeping track of currency
  • Rules to integrate cyberware into character Advances instead of adding another subsystem to the game
  • Generic gear typical for cyberpunk settings (including customizable weapons!)
  • Optional rules for magic in a cyberpunk world (special gear and three Arcane Backgrounds, one of which is brand new!)

Sprawlrunners expands on existing Savage Worlds systems and is a toolkit containing rules and mechanics. It does not provide setting material!

The official Sprawlrunners Character Sheet is form-fillable, provides printer friendly options, and is easily customizable for implants, adept powers, or spells, via layers!

Looking for the perfect CARD DECK to use with Sprawlrunners? Check out the Sprawlrunners Countdown Deck!

Want to have a custom base of operations for your runners? Have a look at Cyberpunk Hideouts!

This purchase includes a copy of Hiverunners, a supplement to bring the fantasy insect kingdoms of Stingers & Spores to a dystopian cyberpunk future! (both books are required)

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Reviews (17)
Discussions (40)
Customer avatar
Joshua G October 17, 2024 2:24 pm UTC
I'm thinking about getting the POD version. Is it too short to make hardback worth it?
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Manuel S November 02, 2024 7:35 pm UTC
I am not sure I understand the question? Hardcover is an option. :)
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Joshua G November 13, 2024 2:27 pm UTC
I am just curious if hardback is worth it, considering it would be `35 pieces of paper.
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Paul S January 14, 2024 12:45 am UTC
Any update on 1.3?
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Manuel S January 16, 2024 6:08 pm UTC
In the works still. :) Won't have any changes to content in it, though, only spelling corrections and a few format fixes. :)
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Paul S February 10, 2024 4:47 pm UTC
Yes, I assumed's really just the missing text for the changed Edges that my players want to see, even though we know what it's supposed to say. They just want the "finished" pdf :)
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Joshua L March 14, 2024 5:11 pm UTC
I keep checking every month because I want to pull the trigger on the hardback POD as soon as the formatting updates are finished.
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David P August 23, 2023 4:16 am UTC
Just curious - I've been thinking about purchasing this and getting the POD version, but I see that there have been some formatting/readability/numbering challenges a few months ago due to the new POD format. Have most of those issues been resolved? Thanks!
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Manuel S August 28, 2023 8:40 am UTC
Not yet, I am still collecting mistakes to make a big update to v1.3 and corresponding update to the POD files. But since POD for a SWAG publisher is a royal pain I want to get as much (ideally ALL) corrections in. :) I am hoping to get this done Q4 this year, though. Sadly I can't be any more precise, sorry. :(
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Philipp B June 12, 2023 10:53 am UTC
There's a problem on page 15. The box in the lower left corner is hiding some of the text for the "Poverty" hindrance.
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Martin B June 21, 2023 11:58 pm UTC
The missing text is "...them to keep gear intact and sometimes don't bother selling them items they know will be lost soon. The character has five fewer Logistics Points to spend. Poor characters live On the Streets Lifestyle."

The text was clipped off by the text box in v 1.2
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J.P. L May 30, 2023 5:42 am UTC
On page 9: "See Logistics Points (page 10) for details", but they are on page 12.
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Manuel S June 01, 2023 3:31 pm UTC
Thanks! Sadly the page numbers got a bit scrambled when we converted to a new format for POD. :(
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Marcos M March 19, 2023 12:41 pm UTC
is there a chance to have an updated version where images have resolution bigger than 200px per inch and bigger font size (for those smaller than 5pt)?
that is to give a better print quality only.

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Manuel S March 26, 2023 9:22 pm UTC
Sadly that won't be possible, increasing DPI would bloat the PDF size too much for easy loading, and increasing font size would require a new layout.
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Brian J February 09, 2023 4:16 am UTC
This is an amazing book, and I can see why it took the award. Unfortunately, though, the end-of-book tables seem to be rendering a bit oddly on my Kindle Fire HD 10+ tablet. A gray box is covering a good amount of some tables, while completely obscuring others.

This issue does not seem to be present when viewing it on desktop. Only on the Kindle tablets.

Is this something that can be fixed?
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Manuel S February 09, 2023 9:04 am UTC
Sadly that depends on a lot of factors and is not easy to debug, especially since neither I nor my layouter have access to a kindle tablet, sorry. If possible, please try switching to a different PDF viewer app and see if that helps.
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Jesse R September 04, 2023 4:22 pm UTC
I don't suppose you've had any luck since you posted? Other than that, is the text legible?
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aecio F January 22, 2023 2:28 am UTC
Great product!
Two questions:
- How to convert credits (SWADE core values) to LP?
- How to reward PCs after missions using LP?

Customer avatar
Manuel S January 22, 2023 4:59 pm UTC
Hi! Thank you, glad you enjoy. :)
>>> - How to convert credits (SWADE core values) to LP?
You don't. There is no exchange course. Items are priced by an estimation of "When in a characters Advancement do I want them to have easy affordable access to this", in relation to the maximum attainable LP Pool of 40 at Legendary Rank with both Rich and Filthy Rich Edges.

>>> - How to reward PCs after missions using LP?
This is highly dependent on the setting and campaign you are running. For regular "go on missions to be able to buy food" style play, there is no reward. Doing the mission means the characters can afford their lifestyle. For focused campaigns on specific goals, rewards should represent progress in obtaining that goal. Hope this helps. :)
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Steve C January 14, 2023 6:42 pm UTC
Is this SWADE or an earlier version of Savage Worlds?

Thank you.
- Steve
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Manuel S January 15, 2023 8:52 pm UTC
All material on the Savage Worlds Adventurers Guild, including Sprawlrunners, is SWADE. :)
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Douglas B December 25, 2022 5:52 pm UTC
On p. 15, the text for the Poverty Hindrance is cut off by the image.
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Manuel S December 29, 2022 4:48 pm UTC
Thank you! No idea how we missed that. :(
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Dillard R November 28, 2022 9:00 pm UTC
Could you do a supplement that uses the Wealth system from SWADE? I think that would really help. Why did you choose to use the no point magic system?
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Manuel S November 28, 2022 10:32 pm UTC
The Wealth system doesn't work with Sprawlrunners, as Sprawlrunners provides a limited pool of points for equipement. The Wealth System cannot copy that, it assumes characters being able to just keep buying until money runs out. This is contrary to how Sprawlrunners handles equipment.

Sprawlrunners developed from a fan work, which used the No Powerpoints system. I chose to keep it and expand it (mostly by introducing ways to counteract the stiff penalties).
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Dillard R December 01, 2022 5:16 pm UTC
Cyberpunk worlds are extremely deadly because of the array of abilities and resources that the corps have at their disposal. Even a legendary punk in Sprawlrunners is going to be wiped by a lowly Lone Star squad. And if the Stars got backup it would be a massacre. Gear is used to even the playing field if only for a short time. I don't understand the conceit. The Logistic Points also last until the money runs's just a lot sooner. I just made a mage/medic. He has a med kit, 6 patches, fake id, fake license, street bike, low light goggles, a knife, and armored clothing. He can't even afford a gun. The PC is human so having the goggles are necessary for any kind of night ops. I have never liked the the no power point system because the penalties turn brutal very quickly. I've always played it as the cost of a penalty is 2 power points per penalty round down (not up). How do you mimic non-lethal damage from Mana magic?
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Manuel S December 05, 2022 9:00 pm UTC
Sprawlrunners puts the focus on the characters and their skills, not on gear lists. Since gear in Sprawlrunners doesn't grant bonuses like it does in other systems, Sprawlrunners does away with shopping tours and instead provides Logistics Points, which do not replace money but are a pool to spend on equipment (which can then be re-allocated as needed). That pool is reasonably limited for Novice characters, indeed. They are just starting, after all. If you prefer extensive gear lists, then Sprawlrunners' LP system might not be the right choice for your game. You can easily leave it out and supplement with gear lists from other settings. Interface Zero, for example, has a lot of material to choose from. :)
Sprawlrunners also provides mechanics via Edges to negate the core NoPP penalties, which makes the whole system a lot more sustainable for higher-tier powers. :)
Non-lethal Mana Magic: Trappings, basically. As per Savage Worlds Core, any source of damage than can be argued to be used non-lethal can...See more
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kevin S June 11, 2022 10:37 pm UTC
magic question do you take the npp penalties base on power points? ex if i cast a 2 pp spell i take a -1 on the spellcasting roll
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Manuel S June 12, 2022 9:27 am UTC
Sprawlrunners uses the default NoPP system of core SW, so add up all cost of PP, half that, and round up.
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Andy M May 06, 2022 7:58 pm UTC
I came here from the FB Page. Hardcover bought and really hope there is a Bestiary in the works!
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Manuel S May 09, 2022 8:49 am UTC
Thank you for your support. :) There is no bestiary in this book. It is a framework that requires adapting to the respective setting, so a bestiary wouldn't really work.
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Pawel P March 30, 2022 12:14 pm UTC
Is there a link to the character sheet?
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Manuel S March 30, 2022 3:39 pm UTC
The character sheet is a seperate download included in the purchase of the PDF. :)
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Jim L March 30, 2022 9:58 am UTC
Hey Manuel, any chance there will be rules and price lists for EMP gadgets?
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Manuel S March 30, 2022 3:39 pm UTC
Hi, nothing of that sort is planned.
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Rich E P March 23, 2022 10:35 am UTC
Flippin' just selected the no PDF print option by accident (today there's no difference in cost)! Looked for my download and… DOH!
Any chance of the PDF please!?
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Manuel S March 23, 2022 12:05 pm UTC
Hi, sadly as a community content publisher I have no access to most tools. There is nothing I can do in this case. :( Please contact DTRPG directly and see if they can cancel the order completely, so you can re-order the correct thing you wanted! I'm very sorry, the restrictions of the community program prevent me from helping. :(
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