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How to Host a Dungeon 2nd Edition


How to Host a Dungeon is a solo game where you create a dungeon while following it through it's history by creating a map. 

This is an updated version of the game with more environments, monsters, and civilizations as well as a streamlined ruleset.

In this game you will create a unique world with randomly-generated features and resources like underground rivers, valuable ores, and mysterious caverns. Your world will be shaped by civilizations, settlements, and monsters, as they dig dungeons, expand their lairs, gather treasure, and fight for survival. 

The game uses randomness and procedural generation to create a history that can include adventurers, battles, alliances, epic treasures, and world-conquering villains.

When you finish, you'll have a complete dungeon map for a world that you created.

How to Host a Dungeon civilization

How to Host a Dungeon monsters

How to Host a Dungeon pages

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Cziner M July 05, 2023 5:16 pm UTC
I'm having a ton of fun with the game but really struggling with how to interpret the Relocate actions, especially when it's on a monster which does it every turn. I think I'm stumped on what the difference was meant to be between Scout, Relocate, and Explore.

Explore is clear, pick a random direction and dig until you find something interesting. The point is to open some kind of opportunity for the group in question.

Scout seems to mean that the group broadens it's territory, trying to find new opportunities by taking ownership of unoccupied rooms, picking up lost treasure along the way.

The issue I'm having is that Relocate seems to suggest that the group of Monsters pack up and move all their stuff elsewhere, digging through rock if needed. On average this means 3-5 beads changing location at the same time and digging out just as many new rooms if there are none available at the location. As it doesn't count as an Invasion, I assume they shouldn't push out current occupants....See more
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Martin V August 12, 2020 4:15 pm UTC
Nice little game; heard about it in a forum comment about breathing life to megadungeons and, given the price, I purchased it. I like procedural dungeon generators, and this one in particular helps developing the history of the dungeon as you add elements to your map.

Couple things...

Typo: the Feature table (p. 4) has 6 options but has a d8 title.

Rules suggestion: is is unclear in what order end-of-turn events take place. Like corrupting a strata or spawning a new monster group. It's not important and is easily hand-waved, but I'd appreciate a sentence somewhere to settle the matter.

A broader suggestion: I and probably others play this game not just as a pass-time but as a way to design a dungeon for future use in tabletop RPGs. And, in my opinion, dungeon crawls are never as fun as when the dungeon houses multiple factions of monsters. It then feels like a living place with dynamics of its own, and player characters' action will truly matter as they typically...See more
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John E July 23, 2020 5:35 pm UTC
You roll "Features" for each stratum, and three times the text says "roll 1d8", including the table heading...but there are only six options? Also, Nexus option 7 "Cyclopean complex" says "If you got this by rolling on the caves table"...but there's no option on the caves table that sends you to the nexus table???
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Eduardo R June 23, 2020 6:21 pm UTC
Hey there! One thing i cant understand is if i buy "How to Host a Dungeon 2nd Edition" it doenst came with the cards? Do i need to buy "Civilization Cards for How to Host a Dungeon" and "Monster Cards for How to Host a Dungeon" or they are extra/different stuff to add on top of the base?
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Michael H May 06, 2020 8:48 pm UTC
Hey there Tony! the PDf indicates this comes with the Monster and Civilization cards...bu tI only got the monster cards with the game.

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tony D June 03, 2020 7:32 pm UTC
The civilizations are included in the core rules, but I am going to add the PDF for the cards to the rules as well.
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Sammyo R March 30, 2020 7:00 pm UTC
So does this version not have arch villains like the liche-lord, or the Dungeon Master? I see no mention of seasons either.
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tony D June 03, 2020 7:31 pm UTC
Correct. For this edition, the gameplay was streamlined, and the Seasons concept was removed. I hope to develop more villains for this version and make them available soon as well.
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Ranjith B January 05, 2020 11:48 am UTC

The PDF seems to be missing the Empire Villainy information.
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Chase G January 06, 2020 3:11 am UTC
Weirdly, the Empire rules are present in the free version, but absent here.
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tony D January 08, 2020 5:28 am UTC
That was completely my boneheaded mistake. Somehow a page was lost in publishing. You should now be able to download the full PDF including the Empire. Thanks for pointing this out. I might have missed it even longer if not for your comments.
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