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Waterdeep Magic Shops

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Welcome, traveler! Enclosed is a guide to magic items shops in the grand city of Waterdeep. This guide includes shop names from some existing Waterdeep locations, the name of the item, a brief description of that item that your NPCs can give, and a price. The last page includes shops that are off the beaten path, and include sample DCs that your players have to meet to find the shop.

This is based off of another project I'm working on, roll tables for magic items shops. Stay tuned!

Credits: Formatting, the Homebrewery. Prices, Saidoro's post on Giant in the Playground titled Sane Magic Item Prices. Shop names and descriptions, the Forgotten Realms Wiki.


Shadowfell Press

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David S November 10, 2022 6:17 pm UTC
You won't be disappointed in spending the dollar If you're heading to Waterdeep to do a little shopping. I do a full overview in this video:
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mike P June 10, 2021 4:38 pm UTC
Great Doc. Why would a Mithral Half Plate cost less than a regular Half Plate?
Same goes to full plate.
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Daniel H August 09, 2019 10:47 pm UTC
Would like to give you 5 stars and an outstanding review. Really enjoyed it.
But there seems to be an issue on DM's guild the product is in my library, downloaded fine but when I try and leave a review it just says "you must purchase this product to rate it". I tried re buying it and that didn't fix the issue.

Either way seriously good job with the shops loved the layout, will try and leave a review again in a few days see if the problem is fixed.
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Daniel H August 11, 2019 10:46 pm UTC
Issue seems to be fixed.
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Erin @ August 15, 2019 5:42 pm UTC
Glad you like it, Daniel! Thanks for the review!
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August 08, 2019
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