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CCCGOC01-03 Winds of RotClick to magnify
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CCCGOC01-03 Winds of Rot


High above the Quivering Forest hovers Athal'deras, an earth mote that is home to a tribe of aarakocra. But a shadow has fallen over the floating rock, and the bird people have succumbed to the darkness, which they now strive to spread upon the winds.

A 3 to 4-Hour Adventure for 11th-16th Level Characters

The Gifts of Corruption series premiered at B-Con in August 2018. The modules may be played in any order, and contain story awards that affect play during the other adventures in the series, for good or ill.

Find the rest of the trilogy here!
CCCGOC01-01 Tree Rot
CCCGOC01-02 Cairns of Rot

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Joshua D August 12, 2024 4:03 am UTC
Are there notes on this mod? The first combat encounter is missing the number of monsters for the fight and only gives the adjustments for the party strength.
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Jeremy H October 04, 2024 3:12 pm UTC
Hello Joshua, many apologies for missing your post! The answer is five, but I have also updated the PDF to reflect that.

I hope things are going great for you, and thanks for letting me know about that!
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File Last Updated:
October 04, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on September 24, 2018.