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The Graveyard Shift


Reviews for The Graveyard Shift from its initial release on DriveThruRPG

"I ran this for my players as a one-shot today and it went great, though my players definiitely took it off the rails to places I didn't expect; still, there's enough information provided in this adventure to help a DM improv if that happens. A++ lauout and formatting as well, and props for including plater-friendly maps for VTT." - Ariel L., 5 stars

"Put this into my campaign with a few modifications. Great adventure for starting characters." - Agnes O., 5 Stars

The city of Stonewood has seen a number of strange disturbances of late: grave robbings, disappearances, and recently a spate of murders. Adair Wyatt, a local merchant, has asked you to help him find his missing brother Dayton. His last known whereabouts? Stonewood's necropolis, where he works as a gravedigger...

The Graveyard Shift is an introductory adventure for 4-6 1st level characters, and assumes a wide range of skills and abilities. It is designed to be played in a single 3-5 hour session, excluding character creation, making it perfect for a one shot adventure. The adventure centers on the city of Stonewood but can easily be transferred to any medium or large settlement as long as there is a graveyard nearby and access to a local forest. The adventure was designed to have an equal balance of combat, exploration, puzzle, and role-playing encounters.

The Graveyard Shift is the second installment in the Adventure on Tap series. Each adventure is created to make running the game as simple as possible for the Dungeon Master. With this adventure you get:

  • A professionally designed 20+ page PDF with a clear and easy to read layout. Includes both a full colour version and a printer friendly version.
  • A map pack containing full colour hand drawn maps, printer friendly maps, player safe maps, and gridless maps for easy online play
  • At-a-glance difficulty markers for every combat encounter
  • A section dedicated to the vibrant city of Stonewood, its  locations, and its superstitious residents - perfect fuel for any DM to grow their own stories!
  • Helpful hints and tips on running the adventure, gleaned from "in the trenches" experience from over 20 years of Dungeon Mastering

You can find the other adventures in the Adventures on Tap series, The Beast of Bastion Bay here and Ring Out, Wild Bells here.

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Also by Emmet Byrne

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About the Author: Emmet Byrne has been role-playing and Games Mastering for almost 20 years. He got his start reverse engineering the second edition AD&D rules from the Baldur's Gate PC RPG and hasn't looked back since. He's played every edition of D&D between then and now as well as a multitude of other weird and wonderful tabletop RPG systems, and was involved in the AGE system content for Kobold Press's Midgard Campaign Setting.
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Reviews (10)
Discussions (5)
Customer avatar
Renee S February 16, 2023 4:59 pm UTC
I have a dumb question about the story itself. Forgive I'm a new DM and i struggle with what to reveal to characters. But do the PC's know that dayton is a vampire? Does his brother know?
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Joseph C January 01, 2019 11:01 am UTC
More of a confused question, but is there any specific map realm that works best for this setting? I have purchased all three of the campaigns that are here, but I am having trouble finding a map for each separate one, and wanted to know if there is a set map that would work for all 3 of these. It's been a while since I have Dm'ed a campaign, much less the first time running one for 5th edition (I usually ran 3.5). Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.
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Emmet B January 07, 2019 3:26 pm UTC
Hey Joseph,

The adventures are built to be "setting neutral" so that you can drop them in anywhere. If you're using the Forgotten Realms, this adventure can work quite will in Neverwinter, as you can use Neverdeath Graveyard for the necropolis.

If you're starting a new homebrew campaign, you can use Stonewood as your starter town and just build out from there.

Hope this helps
- Emmet
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Rikki A. D. N April 22, 2018 4:19 pm UTC
Reviewed as promised, and would like to say that I love it.
Just want to add in a minor mistake I spotted, that most DM's wont have a problem with, but new players might just ignore.

In the Vampire Statblock on appendix A, resistances are said to be perception +2, which is wrong and should state Necrotic and the three physical ones from non-magic weapons. I also noticed another NPC refering to them, and thought I should point it out.

PS: "Chapter 1" on page 4 has a typo in it (Though it did not bother me, and the rest of the PDF looked good to me when I read through).
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Emmet B April 23, 2018 7:43 am UTC
Hi Rikki,

Thanks for the notes. I will amend these and update the files. Much appreciated.
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Oz B February 18, 2018 7:00 am UTC
I bought this at the same time as the Beast of Bastion Bay. As a result the order included two RAR files with the same name (Map Pack (orderno).rar).

Both contain the Beast of Bastion Bay maps... it’s like the system is confused by the double name or something...

As it stands I can’t download the Graveyard Shift Map pack. Any way to fix? Perhaps my reuploading the RAR files with unique names?
Customer avatar
Emmet B February 18, 2018 1:02 pm UTC
Hi Thomas,

That's really odd. I've reuploaded the map pack now and renamed it. Hopefully this fixs the issue. Let me know if you have any more problems.

- Emmet
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Oz B February 18, 2018 5:37 pm UTC
Hi Emmet,

That seems to have worked!

Thanks for the help.

Customer avatar
Emmet B February 18, 2018 7:09 pm UTC
No problem. Thanks for the heads up.

Enjoy the adventure!
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Randy M February 09, 2018 6:04 pm UTC
Is there any differences between this one & the older version that is no longer on here? I have the old version & was curious. Thanks!
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Emmet B February 09, 2018 6:38 pm UTC
Howdy. This new version has redesigned full colour maps and a cleaner layout to that which was origt on DriveThruRPG, and has been slightly edited to fall in line with the DMs Guild guidelines. You should have access to the updated map files in your DriveThruRPG account. If not, let me know and I'll send you a code for a free copy here :)
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Randy M February 13, 2018 10:33 pm UTC

It appears that I did get that maps. Thanks for the tip. Great adventure, I'm hoping my player will enjoy it as much as I did.
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File Last Updated:
April 23, 2018
This title was added to our catalog on February 08, 2018.