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Class Character Sheets - The RogueClick to magnify
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Class Character Sheets - The Rogue

Suggested Price €0,49

2024 Class Character Sheets Now Available! Click Here! 

This sheet keeps all of your essential character crunch on one sheet and all your character's backstory, traits, allies, and enemies on another. Also includes alternative versions of the front sheet with a different skill layout, a back sheet for tracking your Sidekick or Companion, a sheet for additional features, spells, and magic items!

This download includes both US Letter and A4 size sheets, and both a form fillable version and a fully editable version — perfect for using the new options from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything! It also includes a dedicated Arcane Trickster sheet with easy spell tracking.

Also by Emmet Byrne

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About the Author: Emmet Byrne has been role-playing and Games Mastering for almost 20 years. He got his start reverse engineering the second edition AD&D rules from the Baldur's Gate PC RPG and hasn't looked back since. He's played every edition of D&D between then and now as well as a multitude of other weird and wonderful tabletop RPG systems, and was involved in the AGE system content for Kobold Press's Midgard Campaign Setting.
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Tim C March 31, 2019 4:18 pm UTC
Hey, I was wondering why "Thieves' Cant" was missing from class features.
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Dylan P February 29, 2020 6:26 pm UTC
To save on spacing he likely cut out smaller less useful features. Thieves' cant is a ribbon feature so its not like it is something to die for to have on the character sheet.
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Jk K March 07, 2019 6:44 pm UTC
Excuse my newbieness, but i can't figure out why there's a smaller shield adjacent to the AC shield. What purpose does it serve?
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Dylan P February 29, 2020 6:29 pm UTC
You track your shield AC here. So one is meant for your armor, the other is meant for your shield if you use one because you might not have it out meaning your AC would be less.
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Richard H August 17, 2018 4:13 pm UTC
Love the sheets, but two quick suggestions:
1. Lines in the blank boxes for stuff. Most of us have terrible handwriting and could use the guidance :P
2. Lines with the nice little double prof bubbles in the proficiencies boxes
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Tim H January 30, 2018 1:44 pm UTC
Is there a possibility that you could upload an editable version of these character sheets, so that me and others could make our own for homebrewed classes? Awesome work by the way!!!
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Emmet B January 30, 2018 2:09 pm UTC
Hi Tim,

I'm going to look into the possibility of this once everything has been released. I will be releasing a blank/generic sheet which might work as a stop gap until then.

- Emmet
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Chris P January 27, 2018 5:57 am UTC
I noticed a typo: you list Uncanny Dodge twice on the class features: one of them should be Reliable Talent
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Emmet B January 27, 2018 7:46 am UTC
Thanks Chris. I'll correct that and update.
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File Last Updated:
July 16, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on January 26, 2018.