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OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & ReaversClick to magnify
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OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & Reavers

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An RPG which bridges the gap between the speed and simplicity of the Original Seed and OSR games and more modern design sensibilities.  We make adventuring dangerous, but we also make the PCs heroes, capable of daring deeds from the onset.  Combat is visceral and plays well.  Your Magi won't cast spells once and then forget them; they will cast their spells until it kills them...sometimes literally.  Gone are ability scores which are of no use other than determining the modifier.  We skipped the 3-18 and only use modifiers to your Attributes.  We've made the game more about player choices and GM rulings vice mother-may-I; play how you want using our framework for adventure and role-play!

Come chat on Discord:

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Reviews (3)
Discussions (12)
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Umberto M January 26, 2025 2:21 am UTC
What does CHA (D) or CHA (R) duration mean?
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CAMERON O March 26, 2019 11:00 pm UTC
Is there no longer support for this product?
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Thieves Guild G June 28, 2022 3:33 pm UTC
We are moving into a 2e version soon.
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CAMERON O March 16, 2019 12:00 am UTC
Question about encumbrance. A character with no strength bonus gets 12 encumbrance slots before being weighed down and acting with Hinderance.
On page 75, the kits indicate encumbrance slots in parenthesis.

Delver Kit: Ruck, crowbar (1), hammer (1), climbing spikes (1), torch (1),
flint/steel (1), 30 feet of rope (1), 14 days water and hard tack food (1)

So, 14 days of food and water take the same encumbrance as a flint and steel? Am I understanding that?
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Thieves Guild G April 01, 2019 7:16 pm UTC
Hey Cameron, thanks for the question. The ENC system is not a literal computation, it is designed to be simplified to a point allowing for quick referencing vice verisimilitude. It just represents a fair number of items carried upon the character.
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CAMERON O April 05, 2019 2:20 am UTC
Scott, I hear what you are saying, but if you are equating 14 days of food and water with a flint & steel, I can't see how it represents a "fair" number of items.
Seems like you are just hand waiving encumbrance.
I'm not saying it is wrong, just wondering why bother if it makes that little sense.
Thanks for the reply.
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Roberto P April 21, 2019 4:42 pm UTC
You can change that if you want. Most groups dont track rations. I just ask players to carry some for versimillitude and prefer the approach the author has taken here.
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CAMERON O April 24, 2019 2:21 pm UTC
I am fine with not tracking encumbrance, it is a pain in the XXX. However, in my opinion if you are not tracking rations, why bother tracking encumbrance?
I am just saying, make a choice. Either track it or don't track it, but don't pretend that this system emulates a "faiir" amount of gear to carry.
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Andrew M December 16, 2018 2:29 am UTC
What page size is intended here? It's neither letter size nor A4 nor A5. It's like 6.12 in x 9.24 in. Makes it very hard to add pages in an editor to make this print ready (several pages need to be added to set the printing sequence correctly, as is normal).

TL;DR - Why is this not in a standard page size?
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Thieves Guild G December 16, 2018 5:10 am UTC
it is A6 digest.
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Andrew M December 17, 2018 6:01 pm UTC
But it's not, though. Not the item I downloaded, anyway. A6 is 105 x 148 mm. This doc is 155.5 by 234.75. If it were A6 I'd have no problem.
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Kurt R December 15, 2018 9:50 pm UTC
Hi, I just picked this up, during today's sale, but I do not see any usable Bookmarks.
Was this an oversight? Can they be added?
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Thieves Guild G December 16, 2018 2:20 pm UTC
On my MBP and ipad the ToC links work; I normally don't build out bookmarks aside from the ToC links, as those are, for me, organic as I need them.
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Kurt R December 16, 2018 9:18 pm UTC
Yes, those do work, but I like the Bookmarks better, as I can have them open on the side of Foxit Reader without having to go back to the ToC all the time.
For Example, not even the ToC has a bookmark, the only Bookmarks there are, "conflict", "forging heroes" & "design diagram", I don't find those useful for learning the game.
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Andrew M December 17, 2018 6:03 pm UTC
Agreed. Bookmarks are a must-have on a $10.00 item.
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Michael B July 31, 2018 8:50 pm UTC
Is there an official character sheet out there? The book has a picture of one, but it's not included in the book and I haven't found anything online.
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Thieves Guild G August 02, 2018 8:59 pm UTC
When you purchase the PDF here, you get the rulebook, character record, and GM Screen. However, just in case:

Thank you for asking!
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Michael B August 03, 2018 7:51 am UTC
Awesome, thank you very much! :)
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Thieves Guild G August 09, 2018 11:42 pm UTC
Easy day. If you can, please leave us your thoughts on the game, good or bad or both.
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Jeremy H July 22, 2018 3:25 am UTC
I'd like to see more of this title. It looks cool. But, the Previews aren't enough for me to purchase.
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Thieves Guild G August 02, 2018 9:09 pm UTC
Understood. The Previews are limited to X Page - X Page, so we cannot jump about from say a Race to a Class to a Spell. Try this combat tutorial, that may help:
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Vladimir T July 02, 2018 5:38 am UTC

I think I've found a possible misprint re: Spell Damage for 'Blast'.

* On page 60 it gives the example (when casting spells at an effective higher level) of Blast (Fireball) being cast as a Fifth Order spell makes it do '5d4 + CHA' instead of '3d4 + CHA' if cast at it's normal (Third Order) level; however -
* On page 66 is says in the Spell's description that creatures in the centre of a Blast are 'dealt 1d8 + 1d4 per CHA in damage'.

So if I cast Blast effectively as a Fifth Order spell, and my CHA is +2, what damage am I rolling against my target?

Thanks in advance!
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Thieves Guild G July 05, 2018 1:56 pm UTC
The page for the actual spell is correct. In your example, you would roll 3d8+2d4 in damage. Hopefully it was worth the potential toll to your mage!
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John S March 26, 2018 11:08 am UTC
Upfront, I haven't had the chance to play this game yet so my review is strictly based on reading through the PDF and working with a few friends to create some characters.

This is a new take on the d20 system. It's much leaner and meaner than other games (D&D) using a d20 mechanic. There are fewer character classes (leaner) but that really doesn't feel like a problem here because the classes you do have are well thought out and make you want to play them. For instance, the Mage encompasses ALL spell casting characters in this game. It's what kind of magic you use that defines what your caster is all about. These choices also have consequences for the caster since the darker arts can come at a price (meaner). In general, all magic comes from darker places in the world...and this adds to the cool factor for OS&R.
There are many other nuances that single out OS&R from other d20's and they all have me looking forward to playing this system.
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Timothy B December 15, 2018 10:52 pm UTC
Hi John,

Thanks for the short review. It helped me decide to purchase the book myself. I almost missed it among the comments, though. Please consider posting it as a review (along with a rating), so that others who are browsing will more easily spot it.
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Bob B February 15, 2018 4:13 pm UTC
Disclosure – I was provided a free copy of this product for review with the understanding that my review would be less about the system and more about what in this system is innovative or worth adding to your own DCC game should you choose not to use the system itself. All of that said? Nice…

The product itself is fairly sharp. Art styles vary a bit wildly for my particular taste, but overall, it is a nice looking PDF. When looking at its usefulness for adaptation to DCC? There is some GREAT stuff in here.

My first pass through the book was looking at tables, usually the easiest thing to lift for a home game.

Birth Augurs
I’ll admit, the Birth Augurs list was a bit underwhelming with only 14 and a rule that all PCs should have a unique augur in the party. With such a small list to roll against, this felt particular underdeveloped and a missed opportunity. Granted, the augurs on the list are certainly useful, but they didn’t stick out as anything special....See more
Customer avatar
Timothy B December 15, 2018 10:53 pm UTC
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the short review. It helped me decide to purchase the book myself. I almost missed it among the comments, though. Please consider posting it as a review (along with a rating), so that others who are browsing will more easily spot it.
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Scotty M January 31, 2018 3:37 pm UTC
Hey Rune Forge, My family and I (McFarlands) got to playtest this game at MACE and I really enjoyed the ruleset. After playing I backed you on Kickstarter. I am glad you got to bring this gem to market. Good luck with your game. P.S. I am also known as DM Scotty and have a lil' channel known as the DM's Craft.
Customer avatar
Thieves Guild G January 31, 2018 5:15 pm UTC
Hey! It was so much fun, you all are great players. I'm glad you enjoyed the game and thank you for backing this project. I am very familiar with your channel!
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Thieves Guild Games
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