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Tales from the Loop: Our Friends the Machines & Other MysteriesClick to magnify
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Tales from the Loop: Our Friends the Machines & Other Mysteries


The first campaign book for the award winning Tales from the Loop RPG, which scooped no less than five ENnies including Best Game, Best Setting, Best Writing, Best Internal Art and Product of the Year in 2017!

Toys suddenly developing intelligence. A mystical mummy roaming the beaches. Weird events in the local video store. A mixtape full of mysteries. Four wondrous machines. A guide to creating your own setting for the game. All of this and more is included in this volume, the first official module for the multiple award-winning Tales from the Loop RPG. This book includes:

  • Our Friends the Machines. A mystery about a product launch of a new line of action toys that suddenly takes a turn to the weird.
  • Horror Movie Mayhem. The ’80s was the decade of moral panic, when everything new was dangerous and corrupting. In this mystery the Kids will investigate what is really happening in and around the local video store.
  • The Mummy in the Mist. There are whispering rumors that it is back again. The mummy down by the lake. Roaming the beaches by night, looking for something, hungering after something. It will be up to the Kids to solve this mystery.
  • A mixtape filled with mysteries. Eight short mysteries based on classic pop songs from the era.
  • Blueprints, background and adventure hooks for four advanced and iconic machines from the world of the Loop.
  • Hometown Hack. A guide to creating your very own setting for the game, complete with the Norfolk Broads, a UK-based Loop.

Praise for Tales from the Loop

“RPG Tales from the Loop lets you channel Stranger Things and ET.”
The Verge

“Tales From The Loop could very well be the RPG phenomenon of 2017.”
Geek & Sundry

"Tales From The Loop, a role-playing game, is what happens when Netflix’s Stranger Things and the Welcome to Night Vale podcast go bump in the night"

 "I love it for existing so capably and confidently outside of the RPG norms of sci-fi, fantasy and “the occult”" Shut Up and Sit Down 


"RPG Tales from the Loop lets you channel Stranger Things and E.T.”

The Verge

“Tales from the Loop RPG Will Make You Feel Like a Kid Again.”

– IO9

Tales from the Loop is both exciting and emotional, fantastical and realistic, and is unlike any other game on my shelf.”

– Geek & Sundry

"Tales from the Loop is a cool, clever, beautiful book, but I want everyone to know about it because it might also be the easiest experience I’ve ever had being a Games Master."

- Shut Up & Sit Down

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File Last Updated:
December 11, 2017
This title was added to our catalog on December 11, 2017.