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Stars Without Number: Revised Edition

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The year is 3200 and mankind's empire lies in ashes.

The Jump Gates fell six hundred years ago, severing the links between the myriad worlds of the human diaspora.

Now, the long isolation of the Silence falls away as men and women return to the skies above their scattered worlds.

Will you be among them once more?

Stars Without Number: Revised Edition is an old-school-inspired game of sci-fi adventure, one built from the ground up to encourage sandbox play and simplify a GM's job in providing it. Familiar mechanics are employed to forge new worlds and explore new possibilities, guidelines built on long experience used to help a group venture in wholly new directions. Within the full-color pages of Stars Without Number: Revised Edition, you'll find… .

  • Backwards compatibility, as the Revised Edition is built to work cleanly with existing Stars Without Number supplements and materials. The new systems slot in smoothly, and you can take or leave them individually as your group prefers.
  • Expanded character creation, with PCs now customized by special talents and character foci, new options for psychic characters, and new ways to make your hero mechanically distinct. Yet the process is still smooth and quick, with a special quick generator spread to create a hero from nothing more than a half-dozen die rolls.
  • Refined psionics, with more options to distinguish your psychic hero's powers and more flexible choices for their abilities. Tailor your psychic to your concept, whether as a cynical gunslinging brainguard or an ascetic psychic healer from a world of austere psionic scholars.
  • Improved starship combat, with decisive roles for every member of the party. Build your own starships with the included system and employ new hardware and new starship mods to make your ungainly crate the fastest contraband runner this side of the Veil Nebula.
  • New systems to support additional types of play, including rules for hacking, remote drones, and expert technical modification of gear and starships.
  • Upgraded tools for sandbox sector creation, with forty new world tags to help define a GM's stellar creations, guides for adding additional system points of interest, and material to help a GM define the interesting traits of the worlds they create. These tools aren't just a clump of random tables, they're a framework to boost your own creativity and help you make fast, good, playable material for your game.
  • Augmented adventure creation guidelines. Aside from a hundred piping-hot adventure seeds that mesh smoothly with the world creation tools, Stars Without Number: Revised Edition also includes content to help you turn your vague ideas into a playable evening's adventure. Guidelines on challenges, rewards, and complications in play are all aimed toward the working GM, the man or woman who's not just theorizing their adventures, but actually responsible for making something fun for the whole group.
  • Tools for creating aliens, Virtual Intelligences, and hostile human foes, with guidelines for handling potentially-hostile encounters and creating the kind of fearsome xenobeasts that can challenge the doughtiest explorer. Or perhaps you want to be an alien or robot? You'll find the tools for that in Stars Without Number: Revised Edition.
  • Faction rules, for handling the background warring and intrigues of hostile groups. Need to add life and motion to your stellar sectors? Sprinkle in a few factions to make news for the PCs to respond to, or use these rules to handle the colonies, spy agencies, mercenary companies, or other enterprises your heroes establish.

And these things? They're all in the free version. Yes, just like the original edition, Stars Without Number: Revised Edition has a free PDF edition to share with your friends and pass around to interested parties. Those daring stellar freebooters who purchase this deluxe version will get...

  • Transhuman tech, with rules for bodyswapping, digital identities, post-scarcity economics, and just as importantly, GM guidelines on making exciting adventures when all the old pillars of familiarity have fallen away.
  • True AIs, the vast and terrible intellects that can bring forth wonders and ruin in equal measure. Playing a synthetic VI or aspiring organic godmind? Learn how your PC can accumulate the tech they need to ascend to this new plane of being.
  • Mechs, for those GMs who relish the thunder of steel titans on their far-future battlefields.
  • Heroic PCs, for groups that want to trade the gritty, lethal tone of a standard campaign for classic space opera, with larger-than-life heroes and superhuman skills.
  • Society creation, customizing a world or a hab with its own culture and history, pre-designed with fault lines and conflicts to engage your heroes. You'll get more than a dry recounting of details; you'll get the information you need to build adventures that fit with this world's smouldering tensions.
  • Space Magic, with rules and guidelines for introducing sorcerous powers and old-school magic into your starfaring adventurers, with sagacious Magisters, versatile Arcanists, and Adepts graced with supernatural powers.

So leap forward, brave adventurer! The stars await you, and the wild glories of an untamed sky!

This digital edtiion includes:
The complete PDF
Phone PDF version
Mobi and epub versions
As well as a form-fillable Character Sheet PDF

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Reviews (52)
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Customer avatar
Scott M February 08, 2025 8:14 am UTC
What’s the difference between the stand and premium hardcover editions?
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Bob V August 03, 2024 9:46 pm UTC
Recently, I soloed my way through Mirrors (18 pages at DriveThruRPG, free/pay what you want). This adventure was designed for Cepheus Engine, but I used Stars Without Number (325 pages, same place). I added a yes/maybe/no oracle to Extreme Future RPG second edition to make my solo engine. I picked out six characters for this adventure. The PCs were contacted by Major Bartholomew Rodríguez of the Sonoran Interstellar Police. He was interested in hiring the them for a little freelance job. The Sonoran Police had determined that the robbers fled the world to a system on the edge of the Sonora sector called Guirion. He needed them to visit the planet Guirion and find the thieves. Apparently there was an eye witness to the event who saw one of the thieves unmasked. He gave a detailed description which was used to make a composite drawing of the thief. This world is technically not within Sonoran space but is in the nearby unexplored sector. As such the Sonoran Police have no authority on that world. What he needed...See more
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Neil P July 08, 2024 4:24 pm UTC
Add a black and white POD version, please.
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Kevin C July 16, 2024 11:09 pm UTC
Unfortunately, a black-and-white hardcover wouldn't be more than $10 cheaper than the standard color hardcover. I could shave an extra four dollars off it by making it softcover, but I wouldn't want to trust 324 pages to a softcover glued binding.
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William B June 06, 2023 3:09 pm UTC
Which supplement explains how to create space stations and large buildings on planets with no atmosphere? I'd like to do something like the movies Outland, and Saturn 3.
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George S March 24, 2023 2:03 am UTC
What rule system does this game use?
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Tyro K April 09, 2023 8:04 pm UTC
I don't think it has a name, but I think the Cepheus engine is similar. D20 for combat and saving throws, 2d6 for skill checks, and there are classes and levels like standard D20/D&D.
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Eric E February 24, 2023 6:45 pm UTC
What's the overall paper/binding quality of the standard book? I honestly don't care about "richer colors" or whatever... just looking for a decent slab with acceptable paper weight and my fingers won't put stubby little marks all over the print.
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John G March 28, 2023 6:50 pm UTC
The paper is thick. The binding for HC is glued. I have a mixture of SC and HC from drivethru and they are the same binding.
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Markey T. S February 13, 2023 10:03 am UTC
Why the hell is it so expensive?
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Andrew P October 28, 2022 8:50 pm UTC
What is the difference between the standard and premium print on demand book?
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Jason L November 02, 2022 1:03 am UTC
Premium has noticeably richer colours, but still not as good as you get with offset printing, which you can get that version directly from Sine Nomine. If you want to check out the difference between the two check out Lowlife 2090's page, as they really illustrate the difference in quality.
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Ian E November 11, 2022 2:43 pm UTC
Does anyone know if we buy the offset print core rulebook from the website, do we still get the digital files for free. i assume so but it doesn't explicitly say.
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Jason L November 17, 2022 6:03 am UTC
From the SNP website: "This purchase also includes the deluxe PDF of the book as a free bonus download, emailed automatically as soon as the book ships."
Customer avatar
Patrick M December 29, 2022 4:08 am UTC
That tip really helped. Thanks Jason!

Here's the URL in case anyone is interested.
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Thorin L September 13, 2022 2:06 am UTC
with level 2 of the Tinkerer focus, does the reduction of pre-tech parts take place before or after. ie. if a ship mod requires 2 pre-tech components per hull class and it is being placed on a frigate hull, is the reduction made before (so that it no only requires one component per hull class and therefore in total requires 2 components) or after (the total amount components required to install the mod on a frigate hull is 4 but the focus reduces it down to 3)?
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Jeremy H August 09, 2022 5:32 am UTC
Has anyone tried to re-create the Therian factions from AT-43 using these rules? I was looking through the Phone version and couldn't find stuff like "optical holoflage" or "nano-munitions" as described in the AT-43 books so I'm looking for inspiration from the tinkerings of others.
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Thorin L July 17, 2022 2:10 pm UTC
maybe a dumb question but why does the book stipulate that nukes are useless in ship to ship combat?
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Thorin L July 17, 2022 2:11 pm UTC
maybe a dumb question but why does the book stipulate that nukes are useless in ship to ship combat (page 102)?
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James B July 26, 2022 8:39 pm UTC
Because there is no fire in space and ships are designed to protect from the void, so keeping out radiation from a nuclear blast is easy.
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Gergely H August 01, 2022 2:39 pm UTC
The radiation from a nuclear blast is several orders of magnitude greater than the normal background radiation of space. Even if the ship survives the blast, there is a fair chance that the crew got lethal radiation poisoning.

Here's more info than you'll ever want to know about nukes in space:

By the way, is an amazing source of free information for anyone who wants to run realistic sci-fi games.
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Finnegan H September 02, 2022 12:54 pm UTC
Because the Drive inherently works as device that prohibits nuclear chain reactions in it's vicinity.
I think there even is a standalone version in this book or the merchants expansion that only has the use of blocking nukes.
This technology and the existance of brake guns also is the reason why planets are rather secure from orbital bombardment, which makes political fragmentation more sustainable as planetary invasions are beyond the marine capabalities for all but the most developed planets of the setting.
I do not remember the exact page but a simple pdf search for nuclear should yield a feasable result.
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Marcus H September 28, 2022 1:37 pm UTC
TL4 societies have nuke sniffers as a rule and most ships are TL4. That device renders nukes relatively harmless.

TL4 societies have a bunch of really advance tech to address modern questions like, "Why didn't the rebels throw asteroids at Imperial bases/The Death Star?".
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Kiki T June 06, 2022 7:54 am UTC
Is there a list of pre-made adventures for SWN Revised edition, available?
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Jeremy H March 07, 2022 2:57 am UTC
I remember a lot of people used the original edition (1e) of SWN for fantasy campaigns. Have any of you attempted a similar campaign with 2e? Which do you recommend for a really diverse campaign (lots aliens/races, etc.) SWN (2e) or WWN? Also, are Kevin's books A4 or Legal sized? Thanks in advance.
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Markey T. S January 04, 2022 11:25 pm UTC
Where can I buy the physical Original Edition book? The physical Revised Edition one is too expensive, I'm looking for a cheaper one to buy. Thanks.
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Brent R January 05, 2022 9:45 pm UTC
Do note that it's strictly paperback now. You can no longer buy the hardcover version.
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Daniel D December 21, 2021 12:53 pm UTC
Nice game!
But, I can't find an answer to my question. Does Fray Die roll affect NPCs' hp or hit dice?
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Jordan B January 04, 2022 6:49 pm UTC
its from "Worlds without Number" which is the fantasy version of Stars without number but its what I had open so...
"Once per round, as an On Turn action, inflict 1d8 damage plus your level to any one target within reach of any of your Readied weapons, provided they have equal or fewer hit dice than you have levels. This damage is not modified by any ability or bonus, and can affect any creature who could be hurt by that Readied weapon."
This implies it goes to HP to me and not hit dice. Otherwise a warrior would be able to knock out a bear as an incidental if he was level 6. Level 6 guys are tough but not *that* tough. I think only Scarlett heroes uses the hit dice damage system.
Customer avatar
Daniel D December 21, 2021 12:50 pm UTC
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