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Heroes & Monsters


Heroes & Monsters™ is a rules light fantasy roleplaying game powered by The Black Hack and is meant for playing Old School style but with more modern rules.

Heroes & Monsters™ is a self-contained RPG that aims to expand on the material presented in The Black Hack and adds more spells, monsters, some additional information for running the game and more detailed instructions for the players on how to create characters. It also pays homage to the basic edition from the early eighties of the world's oldest roleplaying game by using the classic seven classes - Cleric, Dwarf, Elf Fighter, Halfling, Magic-User and Thief.

So grab your sword and shield and start your adventures in the world of Heroes & Monsters™!

Note: A printed version of Heroes & Monsters™ can be found here:

Reviews (7)
Discussions (10)
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Shane Travis H July 04, 2023 12:22 pm UTC
Hi -- I'm publishing a campaign setting, and I'm wonder if there's a "Heroes & Monsters Compatible" logo which can use on the cover. (Or if we may make one ourselves.) Please email me at (We love H&M!)
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Lesley N March 09, 2023 2:11 am UTC
I did indeed pursue this in printed form, via Lulu apparently.
And yes, it is a nice little item for 15 bucks.
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Lesley N December 20, 2022 1:29 pm UTC
Found this little gem the other day.
Not bad. A nice take on the D&D clone notion.
D&D clones are not that original. But they occasionally have their own unique take on it.
This one earned it's place in my collection.

A little polish and I think it would be a worthy pod offering in soft cover digest size.
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chaussin E September 03, 2019 1:43 pm UTC
I don't see my name anywhere on the cover or anywhere else. Yet it's my illustration that you use for the cover. You only have to ask for my license.
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Matthew S June 02, 2020 1:28 am UTC
Was this ever resolved?
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Edgar T January 14, 2023 10:12 am UTC
It’s sorted out in my print copy.
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Diego B July 23, 2019 7:23 am UTC
1) Page 40: "A character with a healing ability can heal someone up to 1d4 HP per odd level gained on a successful WIS test."
I can't find any "healing ability" in the book, so I assume every character can heal with a Wisdom test.

2) pag. 31 - "Intelligence: Debating, understanding, lore and knowledge, reading, HEALING, building and construction."
Healing should be in the Wisdom Stat line, isn't it?
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Charles B June 03, 2022 10:08 pm UTC
Only one class has a 'healing ability' and I would say that's the cleric. And yes I would say healing should belong with Wisdom.
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Diego B July 21, 2019 2:31 pm UTC
page 25: Ranged Weapons. A bow (medium ranged weapon) shoots at "Far" distance while a longbow (heavy ranged weapon) only shoots at "Nearby"?! Is it an error?
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Charles B July 21, 2019 6:11 pm UTC
I would say so. I imagine it should read "distant".
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Diego B July 23, 2019 7:18 am UTC
Yep. Thanks.
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Diego B February 11, 2019 9:15 pm UTC
Pag.87 MASTER SPELLCASTING: it should be "Cleric Spell" instead "Arcane Spells". Doesn't it?
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Charles B July 18, 2019 2:14 am UTC
Yes it should be Cleric Spells.
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Charles B June 27, 2018 3:15 am UTC
I absolutely LOVE this game. I think it's the best clone I've seen of TBH. I had a few questions and typos I wanted to ask and mention:

1. Thief as the ability quick draw. Is the ability meant to be used with ranged weapons only? If so what other ranged weapons can be used?
2. Dwarf Miner. Is the stat he rolls against for this ability WIS?
3. Elf Resist Paralysis. Is the stat to roll against CON?
4. Elf Keen senses. Is the stat to roll against WIS?
5. Halfling Magic Resistance. Is the stat for this one INT?

I think that's it for now. In the other classes you always mentioned the stat that you needed to roll against. It would be sweet if you added to these abilities I just listed just so nobody gets confused.

Small typo for the Ogre Mage for it's damage... Frost (3d6) 2+d4. I assume it should be +2d4.

Anyways, not trying to nitpick. This game is absolutely fantastic.
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Brian S March 17, 2019 2:17 pm UTC
I recently purchased the print version of Heroes & Monsters from, and your questions are all answered in the print version I have.

1. The Thief's quick draw ability works with any light weapon.
2. Dwarfs roll with Advantage on INT test for mining, and on WIS tests to spot traps, slopes, shifting walls, and new construction.
3. Elves roll with Advantage on CON to resist paralysis.
4. Elves roll with Advantage on WIS for their Keen Senses ability.
5. Halflings roll with Advantage on CHA against fear, and on INT against spells and magic devices.

The Ogre Mage typo is in the print version as well.
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Brian S February 19, 2018 2:49 am UTC
It seems the Game Master is mistakenly referred to as a "Quest Master" on the bottom of page 7. In all other cases throughout the book the referee is called the Game Master.
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Jeremy H October 15, 2017 4:14 am UTC
Hi. I think the game is promising. But please, when you release an update can you annotate the file name to indicate the version? For example, v1.02, v2.0, etc.
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