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Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells

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Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells

A Sword & Sorcery Rules Light Role Playing Game with Old School Spirit
In ages past, great kingdoms covered the world. Now, their ruins dot the savage wilderness that encroaches the few decadent city-states of our current time. In this perilous world, brave adventurers bearing sharp swords and sinister spells look for glory, gold and forbidden knowledge.

What is Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells?

Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells is a rules-light, sword & sorcery, old school role playing game inspired by the original fantasy RPG and the Old School Renaissance movement as well as the stories by such authors as Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, H.P. Lovecraft, Fritz Leiber and Michael Moorcock. With this book, you and your friends will be able to play exciting adventures with bold barbarians, witty thieves and cunning sorcerers without worrying about complex rules and tiresome preparations.

ATTENTION! Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells is not a Simulacrum of an older edition of the world’s most famous fantasy RPG! Although inspired by the original game and the OSR movement, the game was designed to be have its own unique system, more suitable to the Sword & Sorcery genre the author has in mind. The following author's work inspired the mechanics of this game: Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, David Black, Christian Mehrstam, John Cocking, Peter S. Williams, Joseph Goodman, Harley Stroh, Jason Morningstar, Ian Livingstone, Steve Jackson, Simon Washbourne, Kevin Crawford, Sandy Petersen, Mike Manson, Jay Little, James M. Spahn, Ben Milton.

The World of Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells

Men and women, considered brave by few, desperate by some, and insane by most. They leave the fragile security of the City-States to enter the ancient ruins in search for treasure and secrets that are better left undisturbed.

The world if Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells is an ancient one. Many civilizations have risen and fallen through the ages and not all of them were of men. Now what remains are their ruins and a few decadent City-States that live in the shadow of their former ancestors. The men and women of the current time are divided between many cultures, each with its own ambitions and rivalries.

The players’ characters are typical adventurers who seek glory, gold, ancient relics, power and other personal goals. They are not the stereotypical heroes who risk their live for the simply benefit of others. Many of their adventures put them face to face with weird things, terrible and fantastic, which are not as common place as in other fantasy genres. There are no elves in the forests. No dwarves in the mountains. Dragons and other monster are legendary creatures and, probably, unique. Sorcery is feared, respected and hated by most mortal men. The steel of his sword and the courage in his heart is all an adventurer needs to forge his destiny.

The Game System

Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells was design to be a a very flexible and quick game system, with tools to generate story seeds to be used by the referee and players alike. Created to allow players to spend the least amount of time outside the actual gameplay as possible and to let them experience adventures in the style of the Sword & Sorcery tales it was inspired by, the game system has the following characteristics:

• A complete game within 48 pages. That means you can get it, read it and start playing within a few hours!

• Four basic Attributes on which all actions are based: Physique, Agility, Intellect and Willpower.

• An Archetype and Vocation system, giving complete freedom in character creation. You can be a barbarian, a knight, a ranger, a pirate, a mercenary, an assassin, a smuggler, a warlock, a druid or anything else you might want to be. There is not a definitive list of classes to limit your choices.

• A leveless spell system, allowing a spellcaster to cast any spell he can learn. The more powerful a spell is, the higher the risks of casting it though. The caster can try to cast the same spells many times, but each time he does it he is risking his body and soul. Magic is powerful but dangerous to use.

• Armor reduces the potential damage taken. It also can make you easier to hit, as the heavier suits restrict your movement.

• Characters have a Luck Die that help determine random effects in the game and allow them to cheat death.

• Simplified and intuitive encumbrance rules.

• Characters complications give the referee immediate resources to introduce story drive challenges.

• Abstract and streamlined combat and movement rules.

• There is no healing magic, making every combat more dangerous. The players need to evaluate each situation before resorting to pure violence.

• Magic items are rare, unique, powerful and always charge a price for its use.

• The game comes with an Adventure Idea Generator to help referees to come up with adventure ideas, hooks, NPCs, locations and many other things

The Book

Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells rulebook has 48 pages, with everything you need to experience adventures in a savage and decadent world. It’s completely illustrated with hand picked images to inspire the reader, including many pieces draw by hand by the author. The cover art was made by the talented Annita Wright, a Brazilian illustrator.

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Discussions (26)
Customer avatar
Hartmut S February 02, 2025 10:48 am UTC
Hello, I have a rule question about the spell "15. Summoning Summons a creature of PL or less HD. Can be resisted. "

What values ​​does the creature get when it is to be used in combat? Typical NPCs, i.e. simply a hit die, doesn't work. This means that no attack roll on other NPCs is possible. Take the values ​​from the player character? Give your own?

And some praise, one of the best games I've ever been able to run. Thank you for creating this work. :)
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Ed S October 17, 2024 5:28 am UTC
4 years later and no 2e?
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David K June 28, 2024 3:36 pm UTC
Any idea if the 2nd edition will ever be coming out? If not you can use the DS & DS rules but apply them to fantasy setting.
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Nathaniel M August 03, 2022 12:40 pm UTC
Hi, I have some questions, and couldn't find an FAQ.

What is meant in initiative, by players and opponents acting in "order of HD"? The type of Die (D10 beating D8 etc), the number of Die (1,2,3 etc) , a combination of both, or is it the Hit Points they rolled? Can someone give me an example?

It's my understanding a monster always has a D8 as a hit die. But may have 1,2,3,4 hit dice etc. For example who would go first, a level one fighter (1d10) or Level 2 monster (2d8)? If we have 4 bandits (1d8HD) and 2 specialists (1d8HD) - does this mean that each specialist has to make an attribute role against each bandit to decide?

Do players start with their full HD amount at first level? Potentially a fighter (or whole party) could start with 1HP each if they roll badly!

What happens if an oponent is forced to attack another oponent by an effect? For example NPC's argue and clash, a summon break free of control.What stats do I use? (as there are no players...See more
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Norbert F August 09, 2022 9:31 pm UTC
This is not official, and I am really only another player who has bought this game, so this is strictly my interpretation:
It is my understanding that in the order of HD means in the order of the number of dice you've got as Hit Dice. It doesn't matter what die type you have (d6, d8, d10), but the systems probably intends characters of a higher level to go first. HD for monsters basically means their level, so a 4 HD monster is a good challenge for a 4th-level character (as are four 1 HD creatures, or two 2 HD creatures). Since I also assume that all adventurers in a party will usually be the same level, determining initiative order among the party members goes by their Agility attribute score, then by an Agility test if they are tied.

Personally, when I run SS&SS and have my players create new characters, I routinely suggest two rules from D&D 5E:
For any attribute, roll 4D6, drop lowest (if you want more competent heroes to start with). I also let them re-roll all the dice if...See more
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Nathaniel M August 10, 2022 3:24 pm UTC
Thanks so much Norbert, that was a fantastic and detailed answer. I will go with your suggestions. It's a shame the initiative rule is so ambiguous - plenty of people online seem to interpret it as hit dice "type", but I think what you said makes more sense. Especially using agility stat order not agility roll, for the sake of speed.

Despite some reservations about the clarity of the rules. I ordered Solar Blades which is a more up to date version of the Ruleset so may clarify things also.

I'm actually using the rules solo with the Mythic GMU, which is working pretty well so far.

One last question if I may? Do you have any suggestions for unarmed combat damage? It doesn't mention this as far as I can see. 1D4 i.e the same as small weapon such as a short sword seems a bit much, so have been doing "1D3" although maybe "1D2" makes more sense (using a D3).
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Chris W June 01, 2022 8:36 pm UTC
Any update on 2nd Ed timeline?
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Arthur F July 31, 2021 1:26 am UTC
This is my favorite incarnation of the Black Hack games. I like this one the most because the attributes have been streamlined down to four instead of six (just a personal taste thing) and the class abilities are simpler to use and explain to new players. If there were ever a 2nd edition I'd buy it immediately.
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Andrew M July 04, 2021 1:08 pm UTC
Diogo, any better idea of when we might see second edition? We need it, for science.
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Miguel V March 15, 2021 11:32 am UTC
I've read several OSR rulebooks, some better than others, but no matter what, my mind keeps coming back to this ruleset. It must be its simplicity or the casualness with which it presents the game to you. But also the resourcefulness of both this manual and the Addendum. Whatever!

What I came here to ask is, do we have any news on the development of the second edition? Last year I heard about it, and I'd LOVE to see both the main book and the Addendum published in one single compact tome. Does anybody know anything about this? Or is it possible to get any feedback from Diogo, the developer?
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Andrew M May 04, 2021 1:40 am UTC
I'm in touch with Diogo on Facebook, and he has been working on 2nd Ed. I think there may be a Discord too. If you look him up, he might share the work in progress. But he does a lot of work, and is always publishing a new game.
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jeremy W September 06, 2020 10:08 pm UTC
This rules set is great(possible my favorite). i have both this and the addendum. would love to have them in a nice hard cover version
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Max B June 03, 2020 4:23 pm UTC
SS&SS is one of the best RPG I’ve played as a GM/DM. My players love the simple system that takes imaginary gaming to the next level. Easy to learn and even faster to master, I highly recommend this book to anyone who love OSR without loads of tactical preparations. It takes some of the best simple elements of 'the dark eye' 1E, DCC & D&D 5E and adds unique simple twists to make it fresh without throwing off experienced players.
Great system for Online groups also. I am at my 4th game and my player keep praising the system. Great job Diogo! SS&SS is one of my fav rule system to use.
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Jeremy H June 04, 2020 1:41 am UTC
Totally agreed. It's a great little system! I'm excited to see what he does with the 2nd edition. But I hope it stays small and portable like 1e. Maybe some more toolbox options in the back, perhaps a bit like 5TD?
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Max B July 02, 2020 6:25 pm UTC
Good call. If there is a 2nd Edition is the works, I'm buying without any hesitation. :)
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Corey C May 09, 2020 2:56 pm UTC
Is there any chance of this game being expanded into one book like Solare Blades & Cosmic Spells? I would really like to have this and the Addendum in one print on demand book.
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Diogo N June 25, 2020 8:54 pm UTC
Yep! Second edition will give the SB&CS treatment to SS&SS! Lots of tools, just d20s and d6s... And all original art!
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Corey C June 27, 2020 2:40 am UTC
Awesome! Any idea when we might see it made available?
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Sean A March 07, 2021 8:54 am UTC
Bump this. When is 2nd Edition? Love this game, great work
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James M November 25, 2024 1:08 pm UTC
Bump. Please, we want to give you more money! Looking forward to 2e
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William B July 25, 2019 12:48 am UTC
Is there some general guidance for creating encounters? I'm aware of the whole "old school vs. 3.5" debate on whether encounter balance is necessary in games. While I am not seeking exact balance, it would be nice to have some general idea of what I can throw at an x level party without wiping them and ruining the gaming session. I know there is no "magic formula", and even systems like 3.5 that offer some guidance are not perfect in this regard, but at least it allows you to guesstimate.
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Scott N January 07, 2020 10:16 pm UTC
I have never done encounter balance in games, just like my historical battles with miniature games, no two sides are ever equal or balanced. I tell my players always tread carefully as I don't play favorites in rpg's, sometimes they get the drop and are superior, some times is tit-fer-tat and then others, usually the bosses that its deadly and they will need all their wits and abilities to overcome the baddies. IMHO.
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Daniel B January 17, 2020 1:55 am UTC
This really depends on the type of encounters and creatures you are "throwing" at the player characters. If you keep using creatures that can only be harmed by magic, for example, and only one person has spells or an enchanted blade, you will want fewer creatures than more.

I use this formula, based on how challenging I think the creature will be.

Do not include creatures with more HD than the combined HD of the player characters -1 for ever 4 levels.

If the creature has more HD than the combined HD of the player characters, include 1 with a 50% chance of +1. (Possibly to be introduced later in the encounter.)
If the creature has more HD than the combined HD of the player characters and has some offensive or defensive abilities, include only 1 and see what happens. If the players get frustrated with either of these two encounters, tweak as needed.

If the creature has more HD than half of the combined HD of the player characters, include 1d3 with...See more
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Chris B June 16, 2019 7:43 am UTC
Both the PDF and physical book are set at PWYW - don't think you meant to do that for the physical item?
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Adrian K July 10, 2018 10:44 am UTC
Nice game! Came across it thanks to Sacrebleu - have you thought of having an official compatibility license?
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Diogo N July 17, 2018 3:44 pm UTC
I had a logo made once but It didn't look good. I gotta get my XXX on a chair and make a good one. And maybe post on the blog about making stuff for it?
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Adrian K July 18, 2018 9:41 am UTC
Something like the logo from the cover, with "Compatible" underneath it in a suitable font, might do the trick. Also, you might want to add a link to your blog as your publisher link from here.
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Raymond W November 06, 2017 7:54 am UTC
"The following author's work inspired the mechanics of this game:..."

I love the shout-outs! When you see that in the ad copy, you know it comes from a place of love.

I'm still reading my copy but I'm really enjoying it so far. I'll be sure to give a review when I'm done. This is (so far) great stuff.
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Nikolas C September 25, 2017 2:18 pm UTC
Awesome work! I already had the portuguese version, but got english version to further support. Keep the great work Diogo.
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