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Blood on the Trail • A World of Adventure for Fate CoreClick to magnify
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Blood on the Trail • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Suggested Price €3,88
Travel in the Wild West is dangerous, but the danger’s even worse than anticipated. The land is infested with vampires.
As settlers begin pushing into the unexplored territories on their way to California, they discover the truth about why the Native American tribes have gone quiet: the wilds have become infested with creatures who feast on blood. Your explorers must deal with the expected problems of weather, sickness, wild animals and deprivation. Then, during the night, they must worry about being stalked by undead. American Vampire meets Oregon Trail in this Fate World of Adventure by Shoshana Kessock.
Blood on the Trail requires Fate Core to play. This 52-page supplement contains:
  • An alternative, vampire-infested Wild West history to provide background for your game
  • A variety of vampire types and system rules for vampirism in Fate
  • New ideas on using maps as a campaign planning and gameplay tool
  • Rules for creating a wagon train and setting out on Wild West adventure
  • Rules for turning and playing vampires in Fate
  • A sample adventure: Seven Brides for Seven Vampires

The Wild West is full of danger. And vampires.

The Fate Adventures & Worlds line provides compact, rich, affordable, gorgeous settings with a ready-to-go adventure for GMs in a pinch. Buy one this afternoon, be ready to run this evening.

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Jason K September 15, 2016 4:12 pm UTC
File won't open after download.
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Fred Hicks ( September 15, 2016 4:18 pm UTC
Please be more specific — and try to download it again, as you're the first of many downloads of the same file to report this.
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Jason K September 19, 2016 1:43 pm UTC
I tried 3 times before commenting. Of course - I have tried again and now there is no problem at all. :)

So this whole chain can / should be deleted once the publisher has seen it.
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Fred Hicks ( September 19, 2016 1:45 pm UTC
Hah! Sounds to me like the downloader software itself here on DriveThru was having a temporary glitch, or something similar to that.
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21.76 MB
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File Last Updated:
September 12, 2016
This title was added to our catalog on September 12, 2016.