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Evolution Pulse - English Edition

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Hekaths are comingHyonosClose your eyes and imagine hyper-technological and massive huge cities that expand all over the globe’s surface. Imagine a far away, remote future where technology has made great strides and in which humans are perfectly integrated. A perfect, radiant future where humanity has reached a new evolution.

A little black box containing something alien and unknown.

Close your eyes, can you feel your heartbeat? Every single atom of the world you know is synchronized to the pulsation of your heart. The box has been opened, reality has been remolded according to old inexplicable commands.

Open your eyes, the abandoned, destroyed huge cities are still there. Humans live in fear and despair, hidden in the darkest ruins. Droids are only old scraps, Artificial Intelligences are only old baluards of the times that have been. A dark, infinite, ravenous shadow is all over this.



Evolution Pulse is a Fate Core/Fate Accelerated setting. In this book, you will find all that you need to play your adventures in this dark future full of unique characters, who are able to manipulate reality. You will find all indications and suggestions you need to bring into your game all the features of the world of Evolution Pulse: from Executors, characters related to Artificial Intelligences, to fearsome and lethal Hekaths, inter-dimensional monsters who have devoured and destroyed the world.

Evolution Pulse requires Fate Core or Fate Accelerated to play. This 186-page supplement includes:

  • Four peculiar archetypes from which to choose your character, plus one extra special archetype, all of which bring powerful themes into play.
  • A detailed Approach system, diversified for each character archetype
  • A complete list of stunts, story-driven and specifically built to characterize each archetype
  • Rules and information on Hekaths, the fearsome enemies who seek to devour the world
  • Rules for the manipulation of reality and for the Pulse, the energy that feeds the fearsome Hekath
  • All the tools to give life to the world of Evolution Pulse, through a series of questions that allow you to create your own personal apocalypse at the mercy of the Hekath fury
  • Stories and tales to experience the dark world of Evolution Pulse from the eyes of its inhabitants

Close your eyes, synchronize the heartbeat, the evolution pulse.


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Darian H March 14, 2023 9:30 am UTC
I brought this expecting to see a map of zones, and tables for encounters and enemies. I like the setting and the backstory and the different factions etc. But it seems to need a map, even if for an example. Another idea to add, would of been a map system similar to a hex crawl where the player(s) could explore and draw it as they go, this could be done per zone.

To others who have brought this and play it, how do you play this in terms of locations and zoning?
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Thiago E March 02, 2023 12:15 am UTC
Has there been any update on the release of Dark Echoes and Valhalla Rising in English? Funny to think I’ve been inquiring about this for 4 years, but I recently took my copy of this book off the shelf after a couple of years... and I still love the setting a ton!

Any news about expansions? Dark echoes and Valhalla Rising? No news in spanish, so I'll have to buy in english...

Do you guys have any plans to publish the expansion Dark Echoes in english this year or in 2018? And the freebies about Evolution Pulse, do you have any news?

So many questions, no responses!! That's sad!!
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Jon B April 08, 2021 9:55 pm UTC
Has there been any update on the release of Dark Echoes and Valhalla Rising in English? Funny to think I’ve been inquiring about this for 4 years, but I recently took my copy of this book off the shelf after a couple of years... and I still love the setting a ton!
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Iván R June 28, 2019 2:01 pm UTC
Any news about expansions? Dark echoes and Valhalla Rising? No news in spanish, so I'll have to buy in english...
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Daniel F October 11, 2017 2:29 pm UTC
Do you guys have any plans to publish the expansion Dark Echoes in english this year or in 2018? And the freebies about Evolution Pulse, do you have any news?
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Jon B May 30, 2017 4:18 pm UTC
Are any of the downloadable materials on your website going to be made available in English? I'm craving more of this setting and would love to use them, but I unfortunately don't speak/read Italian. :(

I was also curious: was Evolution Pulse influenced by BLAME! or NOiSE or BIOMEGA?

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Daniele D May 30, 2017 8:53 pm UTC
Yes, “Evolution Pulse” is overtly inspired to “BLAME!” and “BIOMEGA”. ;-)

For the materials I’m going to ask to the authors.
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Jon B May 31, 2017 2:34 pm UTC
Thank you, Daniele! I appreciate that very much. :)
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Daniele D June 01, 2017 6:04 am UTC
Don’t mention it. ;-)
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Jon B June 03, 2017 3:54 pm UTC
Good Ming, Daniele! I was curious if you had heard back from the authors about gettin Got English versions of the downloadable extras on the Italian website?

Thank you! :)
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Nicola U June 06, 2017 12:52 pm UTC

Sorry for the late answer!
I'm from Dreamlord Press, the publisher actually, not one of the authors, but I think I'd leave a reply here.

We're actually working on some different projects, to translate them into english and let some more people to partake od them.
One of them is offering you all the freebies about Evolution Pulse, and also to bring you the full supplement "Echi Oscuri" (Dark Echoes) with more archetypes, lore and hacks to implement in your games.

Don't know yet a date for them to hit the international market, as daily life always gets in the middle, but we're coming.
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Jon B June 09, 2017 11:03 am UTC
Thank you very much for your response, Nicola. I'm really excited to hear about Dreamlord Press and Black-Box intending to bring all of that to English players! :D

I can't offer any help for translating, but if you need help EDITING the translated products feel free to contact me!
Customer avatar
Jon B January 24, 2018 11:08 pm UTC
Hi, Nicola!

I was curious if any headway had been made on the translations of the extras and the explansion, Dark Echoes? Even just a timeline update.

Thanks a mil!
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Jon B January 24, 2018 11:08 pm UTC
Hi, Nicola!

I was curious if any headway had been made on the translations of the extras and the explansion, Dark Echoes? Even just a timeline update.

Thanks a mil!
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Nicola U January 24, 2018 11:27 pm UTC
Hi Jon!
We are on the verge of finiscing the translation of Ars Gladiatoria, before getting on Evolution Pulse (extras first).
So I think we'll be back in track soon.
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Jeremy F January 12, 2019 11:21 pm UTC
Nicola, could you give us an update on the progress with the Evolution Pulse stuff? Thanks!
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Jon B April 21, 2019 4:00 pm UTC
Hi, Nicola!

I was wondering if you could provide an update on the translations of further materials for Evolution Pulse into English.

I hope everything’s going well!
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Nicola U April 26, 2019 9:29 am UTC

We're actually though Chapter 1 editing of the Dark Echoes supplement. Work is slow but steady.
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Victoria G April 13, 2020 6:05 pm UTC
Any updates on this? I also see there's a new Evolution Pulse: Rebirth. Is this a separate product line or a new product line which uses the new MONAD Echo system rather than Fate?
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Fabrizio V March 18, 2017 11:04 pm UTC
Mi domandavo se fosse necessario possedere il manuale Fate per usufruire de questo prodotto. E, come già chiesto più sotto, se fosse prevista la traduzione inglese del vostro supplemento (vivo in Canada e i miei compagni di gioco non leggono l'italiano).
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Daniele D March 19, 2017 7:11 am UTC
Per giocare a “Evolution Pulse”, ti serve un manuale base di “Fate”, a scelta tra “Fate Base” e “Fate Accelerato”. Il mio consiglio è quello di usare “Fate Base”, perché è più completo di spiegazioni e di esempi grazie ai quali capirai molto meglio come si usa “Fate” e la sua filosofia. Tra l’altro, in inglese lo trovi in formato digitale in “pay what you want”:

Per la seconda domanda, intendi se è prevista la traduzione in inglese di “Echi Oscuri”?
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Fabrizio V March 19, 2017 1:23 pm UTC
Grazie della risposta. Quanto alla seconda domanda, sì è proprio quello che intendevo: Echi Oscuri sarà tradotto?
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Daniele D March 19, 2017 1:34 pm UTC
Oddio, se conosco bene i ragazzi, direi che prima o poi arriverà, ma prendi le mie parole con le pinze, che magari hanno altri progetti da fare prima (quasi sicuramente).

Aggiungo soltanto che, pur essendo un ottimo supplemento pieno di belle cose, col manuale base ci vai già lontano. Diciamo che non è vitale: io ho giocato alla grande prima che uscisse “Echi Oscuri”. ;-)
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Jeremy F October 16, 2016 11:51 pm UTC
Do you guys have any plans to translate the expansion Echoes Dark? I hope so as I am eager to see more of the game world.
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Nicola U October 14, 2016 9:38 am UTC
Hi Jon,

We're working hard on having the product properly done for PoD, like more proofreading and editing.
We've been also busy with a couple of big fairs and cons here in Italy, but the work is still progressing fast.
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Jon B October 14, 2016 11:56 am UTC

Thank you for the reply. Congratulations on being so busy (this must be a good thing)! I'll be sure to keep checking back here regularly.
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Jon B October 12, 2016 2:34 pm UTC
Any update on an English PoD version of this?
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Daniele D March 19, 2017 7:12 am UTC
Now there is a print on demand option, too. ;-)
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Michael S P August 08, 2016 7:20 pm UTC
Are there any plans to release a print version of this book?
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Daniele D March 19, 2017 7:12 am UTC
Now there is a print on demand option, too. ;-)
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Jon B March 31, 2017 12:51 pm UTC
Thank you for letting me know! :)
Customer avatar
Daniele D March 31, 2017 12:53 pm UTC
You’re welcome!
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