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The Pugilist Class


With nothing but their wits, will, and fists, pugilists lay it all on the table every time they’re in for a scrap. No strangers to adversity, pugilists can dish it out, take a licking and still keep coming back for more. A pugilist’s unbreakable spirit and talent for fisticuffs don’t come from rigorous training or high minded philosophies but are the hard won trophies of never backing down from a fight no matter the odds.

All pugilists belong to a Fight Club, an informal fraternity of brawlers with similar style, that shapes the way they fight. Fight Clubs included in the full version of the Pugilist class are: Arena Royale, Bloodhound Bruisers, Dog & Hound, Hand of Dread, Piss & Vinegar, the Squared Circle, and the Sweet Science. Whether you’re interested in playing an adventuring luchador, a boxer fighting the good fight, or a hard-nosed detective with a penchant for pugilism, these Fight Clubs have you covered!

What's New in The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook Update?

With the release of The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook in April of 2022, the Pugilist class got several class and subclass adjustments. A changelog can be found here. You can find four more Fight Clubs, and hundreds of other player options, now available in The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook.

You can find a free trial version of the class here.

Our friend Emmet Byrne created a character sheet specifically for use with the Pugilist class. You can get that here.

Like the Pugilist class? You can find other Sterling Vermin products on DM's Guild!

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Customer avatar
Oskar G October 13, 2024 10:08 am UTC
Hello, new dnd is here! Any plans to adjust Puglist and all subclas to dnd e5 2024? it would be epic to see it adjusted!
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Rick V October 30, 2024 8:35 am UTC
Also curious about this! My favourite class in a mile ;)
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William F February 13, 2024 3:53 am UTC
Quick question - the level 6 ability 'Moxie-Fueled Fists' says that your *unarmed strikes* become magical. This means that pugilist weapons and improvised weapons doesn't get this effect, right? (i.e. Punching someone overcomes magic resistance but throwing a chair doesn't)
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Darius V August 09, 2023 9:35 pm UTC
When casting the spell via the Enchanted Ink magic item, does it require costly components? Say you use the ink to get a Revivify spell tattooed on your body, does it still require the 300 GP worth of Diamonds component to cast it using the tattoo or does the tattoo take over for the costly component or is the costly component ignored?
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Marco V August 05, 2023 6:01 pm UTC
Quick observation I had whilst reading through the class, this particular point being about the Squared Circle option "To the Mat". Where I assume the regular rules for a Grapple target still apply, that being no more than 1 size larger than you, the wording of this feature if read literally makes it seem you could grapple regardless of size. Is this intentional or indeed just a bit of a "oversight" for lack of a better word?
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Cesar S July 09, 2023 5:06 am UTC
I have a question, mainly because I've watched Black Summoner the anime; do you think there will ever be a subclass based off of Sera? Arcane Pugilist.
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Jeremy M April 05, 2023 11:17 am UTC
Question about the class, I just bought it and I'm not seeing written specifically anywhere that the pugilist actually is proficient in unarmed strikes. Is this as intended?
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Jay P April 05, 2023 10:45 pm UTC
PHB page 195, all characters are proficient in unarmed strikes by default
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Benjamin H April 07, 2023 3:31 am UTC
Jay's right. Like with the monk class, there's no need to specify the rule because it already exists.
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Laura K March 18, 2023 9:29 pm UTC
Question about the knock prone of One, Two, Three, Floor ability of Sweet Science.
Does the knock prone work on any creature regardless of size?
Like, does it work and knocks prone even a Gargantuan creature as long as you hit?
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Joshua P March 17, 2023 1:22 pm UTC
Adore the class. Played a Squared Circle from level 4-11 and had a blast. I did have a question. How does Haymaker work with abilities that add damage dice to the hit, like Divine Smite?
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Joshua P March 17, 2023 1:21 pm UTC
Adore the class. Played a Squared Circle from level 4-11 and had a blast. I did have a question. How does Haymaker work with abilities that add damage dice to the hit, like Divine Smite?
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Luis G February 28, 2023 1:34 am UTC
Hello! I've purchased several of your classes before, and was overjoyed to hear the Pugilist got an update! Are the new subclasses in this product? I'd rather not buy the entire book as it's out of my price range :(
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Benjamin H March 02, 2023 1:10 am UTC
Hi Luis! This product contains any updates to the core class as well as its existing subclasses. The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook does contain 4 exclusive new pugilist subclasses (as well as an absolute metric ton of other player options).
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January 29, 2023 3:23 pm UTC
I have a question about the unarmed feature.
My DM recently allowed me to play this class at our table, and is saying that the unarmed property only replaces the damage die the weapon uses. As such, things like an on hit effect of the weapon or properties of it don't apply if I want to use the bonus action attack.
When I ask, they say it is because of the way its written in the book. Is this actually the case? **Edit**

As an example, I was told if I had flametongue brass knuckles, I would only get the extra fire damage on the first two attacks, not on the BA attacks.
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Benjamin H January 31, 2023 2:59 am UTC
I would not rule it the way your DM does. If you're using the weapon to make an attack, that means all effects of using that weapon to make an attack are triggered.
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Kyle S January 04, 2023 8:16 pm UTC
Really excited to try this class but have a question; if I buy Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook, will I have everything I need or is there anything exclusive to this version?
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Benjamin H January 25, 2023 11:22 pm UTC
There's no exclusives in the standalone class but there are exclusives in The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook.
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Brandon O November 15, 2022 1:25 pm UTC
With fisticuffs making simple weapons count as pugilist weapons, does that mean you can use a dagger with the fisticuffs die turning a 1d4 into a 1d6, while also still being able to use unarmed attacks as a bonus action?
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Benjamin H December 05, 2022 3:52 am UTC
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Jeremiah E November 08, 2022 12:47 am UTC
Ok so there are subclasses here, UAH and LoF. Any other sources that have Pugilist subclasses?
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Benjamin H December 05, 2022 3:55 am UTC
New ones sometimes pop up on my blog at, in my newsletter (which you can sign up for at the site), and in my Patreon.
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Oskar G October 06, 2022 4:39 pm UTC

I love this class and I have a question - maybe a little too fast but I'm a curious guy:
Do you plan to update the class after One DnD?
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Benjamin H December 05, 2022 3:54 am UTC
Assuming WotC allows, I absolutely plan to update the pugilist for 6e.
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House H September 13, 2022 1:11 pm UTC
I noticed something which may be an error in the Dog & Hound fight club. You provide the following formula for the Hound's HP:

"Hit Points 3 + five times your pugilist level (the hound has a number of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your pugilist level)"

Shouldn't that be 7 times your Pugilist level? The hound's CON bonus is +2, so shouldn't it have Ld8+2L hit points? (Where L=Level, obv)

Regardless, I've finally gotten a chance to play one and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.
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House H September 13, 2022 1:29 pm UTC
Also, if I use Stick and Move, do my hound and I *both* take the dash action, or does my hound take the dash action *instead of* me?

Does this use my hound's reaction to do it immediately, or does he do it on his turn as a bonus action?
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House H September 13, 2022 1:29 pm UTC
Also, if I use Stick and Move, do my hound and I *both* take the dash action, or does my hound take the dash action *instead of* me?

Does this use my hound's reaction to do it immediately, or does he do it on his turn as a bonus action?
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Benjamin H December 05, 2022 3:56 am UTC
It would make sense for it to be that way but I'm following WotC's lead on this method and that's not how they handle it.

As for your second question, you and your hound BOTH take the dash action when you use Stick and Move.
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