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Hypercorps 2099

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The simultaneous tachyon flux of 1876 and 2076 forever changed the world, introducing a myriad of new races to Earth from other dimensions before the strange portals closed with the coming of the 20th century. The 200 years since have been filled with the miraculous rise of alter sapiens, the demigrant struggle for equal rights, and the ascent of the planet’s true masters: hypercorporations. Earth is firmly in the grip of these monolithic institutions, gradually being stripped away as more and more aspects of life are codified and monetized. For most this is a bleak and repetitious existence but for some it can be much more—for operators it offers an avenue to vast power, prestige, and wealth.

Hypercorps 2099 is a campaign setting and rule system for use with the Pathfinder RPG, taking adventurers into a cyberpunk future and granting them superheroic abilities that raise the drama of their tabletop game to unprecedented levels using the Hyper Score system. As operators the party will work for and against hypercorporations to frame executives, pull heists, sabotage laboratories or shipments, and whatever else their plutocratic overlords pay them to.

In the 204 page Hypercorps 2099 rulebook you’ll find:

  • A vibrant timeline explaining how the world of Hypercorps 2099 differs from the Earth of today

  • Over four dozen characters and 10 incredible full page illustrations by artist Nathanael Batchelor!

  • 56 pages detailing six areas of the planet: apocalyptic Cleveland 2099, the digital dimension of the Hypernet, the mystical city of Kathmandu, the tumultuous landscape of Latin America, the hypercorporate mega-utopia of Lucrum, the megametropolis of Neo York, and the dark, vampire ruled lands of Wallachia

  • 10 pages with 19 organizations and 46 hypercorporations in the world of Hypercorps 2099

  • An operating cast of fifty original NPCs including super teams, gang leaders, heroes, psychos, villains, and much more, giving GMs a plethora of allies and enemies to interact with operators

  • A hyper bestiary with 7 new templates and 21 new minions, drones, and monsters for GMs to use in any Pathfinder RPG game

  • A Gamemastering chapter with new skills, new attributes (Luck and Reputation), new security system traps and the hyper trap template, and essential tips for GMs running a game in the future (along with guidelines for games set in the late 1800s, during World War II, and in a modern setting)

  • Four new class archetypes (the ballistics brawler monk, cyber ninja, cyber samurai, and mechwarrior netjacker) as well as the netjacker base class for master hackers and the veloces base class for operators that know speed is key

  • A Hyper Equipment chapter with rules on advanced craftsmanship, advanced armor, the new arcanosteel material, cybernetics, gear, melee weapons, vehicles, and a host of futuristic firearms.

  • The Hyper Score system, a rules template in the spirit of Mythic Adventures that makes the Pathfinder RPG a far deadlier experience by granting players lethal abilities (if they can survive long enough to use them!)

If you aren’t positive this exciting new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game supplement is for you, download four free preview PDFs of Hypercorps 2099 right here at DrivethruRPG to see what amazing things await you within this deluxe tome.

Dive into the future with all the grit, fervor, and intensity you can offer for the operations ahead—there are bytecoins to be made, prestige to acquire, and power to be won!

Reviews (4)
Discussions (4)
Customer avatar
Esmeralda B October 14, 2018 12:27 am UTC
What happened to the POD option? I was hoping to buy a physical copy of the book with my next paycheck.
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Mike M November 18, 2018 9:23 pm UTC
I have no idea! I'll ask about it though and find out. Sorry for the delay! :/
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Esmeralda B November 19, 2018 5:52 am UTC
Thank you!
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Mike M January 23, 2019 9:53 pm UTC
No problemo. Looks like they've fixed whatever was wrong. :D
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Jeffrey G July 11, 2018 4:15 pm UTC
Has conversion to Savage Worlds ever been considered?
Also, :I assume that the PAthfinder Corebook is needed to play in this setting?
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Mike M August 20, 2018 9:35 pm UTC
Briefly! Also it's suggested you have the Pathfinder Corebook, but Paizo maintains an *excellent* website that lays the rules out pretty clearly.
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Jonathan C April 16, 2017 5:30 am UTC
Are the settlement rules in this pdf?
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Jonathan C May 03, 2017 6:51 pm UTC
I am also curious about the settlement rules. Perhaps they could be pulled out for a smaller pdf?
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Mike M May 31, 2017 5:04 am UTC
I am terribly sorry I only just now saw this!

I won't rule it out, but we're trying to forge ahead with Hypercorps 2099 and make more new books. If there's resources enough to expand the core setting, there might be reason enough for a book just about settlements and the world. I'll put figuring that all out onto my to-do list. :D
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Jonathan C June 01, 2017 10:46 pm UTC
A stand alone pdf would be great. However does this book currently contain the settlement rules or was the freebie just a sample of what could be? And thank you for the reply.
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Mike M June 26, 2017 12:13 am UTC
Erk I got myself confused here--Cleveland 2099, Kathmandu, and Neo York were considered too big to make into proper city statblocks and the only settlement with a Pathfinder statblock is LUCRUM.
There *are* a total of 56 pages covering these regions of play though (as well as Latin America, Wallachia, and the Hypernet, the latter getting a 60 page expansion book called FAMOTH).
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Christian H January 16, 2018 4:37 am UTC
Generally such large settlements are run with individual sectors, districts, and neighborhoods being their own settlements, like with Absalom in base Pathfinder.
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Jay N July 12, 2016 6:34 am UTC
So on the Kickstarter page it's mentioned that there is a 4.0 version of the PDF that is supposed to be lined up with the print copy.
Is this any different than the 2.0 pdf people who purchased through here have available?

Printscreen for Ref with names expunged, context of responding to another backer mentioning they saw this was available on Drivethrurpg.
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Mike M September 04, 2016 3:49 pm UTC
Yes! There should be an updated digital file (at this point, 5.0). I will doublecheck with Legendary Games in our next e-mail. Sorry I did not see this earlier!
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Jay N October 02, 2016 3:02 pm UTC
Hey, no problem man. I understand busy schedules leading to things falling through the cracks (see, I totally forgot I sent this message until I saw something LPJ Posted on his FB Page leading me back to Drivethrurpg). With that in mind checking on here it is still says only the 2.0 is here, printscreen for your convenience
Something I should be poking at you, Legendary Games or DriveThruRpg about?
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Mike M December 30, 2016 5:17 pm UTC
I've updated it myself while ordering backer print proofs and the proper file is in there now. :)
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Jay N January 10, 2021 3:31 pm UTC
Unclear on which would be better for visibility traffic on this product and still having a question I chose to hit reply instead of a new post.

Had some people asking about how to do a Superhero game with Spheres and was reminded both of this setting and the Hyper ruleset in general.
When this came out it was before the release of Spheres of Might.

In a world with both Spheres of Might / Spheres of Power (and thus Champions of the spheres) would you say the sidebar on page 196 involving Spheres as Hyper Powers apply to Practitioner Spheres as well? (Including appropriately adjusting "effective" BaB or Ranks in a skill by an equal amount as it does for Caster level?).
Not looking for an update on the document, just thoughts on the developer.

Although if I could also get a clarification on the sidebar.
"...gaining one sphere with each hyper route grade and two talents for any sphere you have access to."

Does this mean at Hyper...See more
Customer avatar
Mike M November 21, 2021 8:30 pm UTC
! Only now seeing this!

I'm going to go with A.
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