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Earthdawn Player's Guide (Savage Worlds Edition)Click to magnify
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Earthdawn Player's Guide (Savage Worlds Edition)



Before science, before history, there was an Age of Legend... For years humanity huddled in underground kaers, as the astral beings known as the Horrors ravaged the land in an orgy of terror and destruction. Now the long, dark age of the Scourge has passed, and the brave adventurers emerge to reclaim their world.

Elf, ork, t'skrang, human, and other wondrous races explore a world that teems with strange creatures and unseen dangers; a world of lost cities, or ancient, long-forgotten treasures and idescribable wonders; a world where the very earth and sky vibrate with powerful arcane energies.

The Earthdawn® Player's Guide contains what every Savage Worlds player needs to create one of these brave heroes and help rekindle the glory of days past, including new races, gear, spells, Edges, and rules for being an Adept. Join the adventure and begin roleplaying in Earthdawn, the Age of Legend!

Earthdawn® Player's Guide™
Savage Worlds Edition Rulebook
Published by RedBrick LLC
Format: 287 pages, 6.14" x 9.21", B+W Interior

Requires use of the Savage Worlds Core Rulebook (available here)

Earthdawn® is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation. Barsaive™, The Adept’s Way™, and Earthdawn® Player’s Guide™ are trademarks of FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® First Edition Material copyright © 1993–2012 FASA Corporation. Published by RedBrick LLC under license from FASA Corporation—Made in the USA. Copyright © 2012 FASA Corporation, RedBrick LLC. All rights reserved. This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Reviews (5)
Discussions (0)
March 7th, 2014
Unfortunately this apparently wasn't playtested. It shows. Unfortunately the writer wasn't very well acquainted with Savage Worlds. It shows [+4 flat bonuses to skills?] Fortunately most or all of the non rules text and art [...]
December 17th, 2013
This product definitely falls into the "less than mediocre" range of books I've purchased. As a lover of both the Earthdawn setting and the Savage Worlds rules, I had some high hopes for this conversion, but they were quickly dashed upon the [...]
May 9th, 2012
Found the Guide to be a copy and paste hack job. Fluff taken from the FASA 1st Ed Rulebook. The SW part of the book does not capture (for me) the Earth Dawn feel. It needs an erratta quickly and badly. [...]
April 26th, 2012
Disclaimer: Once again, this PDF was provided to Epic RPG Blog for review purposes. What you get: a 280 black and white PDF in 6.14" x 9.21" format. Main review: One of the things I look for in a Savage Worlds book is mining ide [...]
April 13th, 2012
Great setting, needs a gamemaster's guide badly. A gamemaster's guide is needed to describe the setting in detail, horors, bestiary, mission generator, etc. [...]
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File Last Updated:
May 22, 2012
This title was added to our catalog on April 02, 2012.